Romanticism and the Grand Tour
- Choose a document, visual source or artefact from the Grand Tour database and write a paragraph on it aimed for a non-academic audience
- Is there a 'masculine' and 'feminine' Romanticism?
- Is the description of the Grand Tour as a keystone of the formation of British masculine identity accurate?
Key Reading
David Duff (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of British Romanticism, especially Anne Mellor, 'Gender Boundaries' and Patrick Vincent, 'British Romantics Abroad'
Rosemary Sweet, Cities and the Grand Tour: The British in Italy c. 1690-1820, esp chapter 1
Grand Tour database
Further Reading
Meena Alexander, Women in Romanticism: Mary Wollstonecraft, Dorothy Wordsworth and Mary Shelley
Jeremy Black, Italy and the Grand Tour
Chloe Chard, Pleasure and Guilt on the Grant Tour: Travel Writing and Imaginative Geography, 1600-1800
Brian Dolan, Ladies of the Grand Tour
Amanda Gilroy (ed.), Romantic Geographies: Discourses of Travel, 1775-1844
Clare Hornsby (ed.), The Impact of Italy: The Grand Tour and Beyond
Carl Spitzweg, English Tourists in Campagna c. 1845 (Berlin State Museum)