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For assessment deadlines, see tabula, and for marking criteria, the Undergraduate Handbook

Oral Participation/engagement

Seminar Contribution: Contribution in learning activities (face-to-face or digital) (10%)

Self-evaluation form

Short Essay

1,500 word media source essay on the role of a type of media (TV, print, radio, internet etc) and how that

mediates sport to the public (40%)

Guidelines for the sports media source analysis:

1,500 word media source essay on the role of a type of media and how that mediates sport to the public (40%)

  • You need to think about how sport or sports are mediated through a particular format (tv programme, newspaper, book/article, podcast, film, website, forum, twitter feed, advert, sports journalist etc).
  • Carefully analyse the content of the source, paying particular attention to meanings of terms, words, symbols, and sounds (depending on the source selected).
  • Consider, who is the producer/author/creator? Who are the presenters? Who are the intended audience (you may need to make an informed guess here)? How popular is the source?
  • How does the format compare to other media sources? You could also compare two different programmes/podcasts/ reports, or types of media.
  • How accurately does the source reflect the issue/theme/sport in question? Make an argument about the usefulness of the source for the public (and historians) in trying to understand the sport or sports concerned. If other historians/writers have commented on this source, do you agree with their interpretations?

Things to Avoid:

  • Wordiness/irrelevance.
  • Mere paraphrasing i.e. don’t just repeat what the source says in your own words.
  • An over-broad discussion in which the focus moves away from the source concerned. Pay attention to context, but keep your interpretation focused.
  • A misunderstanding of the nature of the source. Be sure that you understand the document that you have chosen and that you can explain its context and importance.

Final Essay

3,000 word essay on a topic to be agreed with tutor (50%)

Sample questions

How has the study of (football/other sport) changed in recent years?

What role did the British play in the emergence of football in Latin America?

Why did football become the 'people's' game in the late C19/early C20?

How has technology changed the way sport and media interact?

'Football is part of globalisation, yet it encourages the local.' Discuss.

'Traditional fans have a strong belief that the club culturally belongs to them'. Discuss.

Why did football hooliganism become significant in the 1970s and 80s?

What role does sport play in national identity?

What impact has the European football business had on African football?

'Football sold it's soul in the pursuit of money, money, money'. Discuss this view of football since the 1990s.

Does non-league football have a viable future in the global age?

‘Politically driven boycotts of the Olympics are rarely successful’. Discuss.

What role does corruption play in Formula One?

What are the barriers women have faced in playing sport, and to what extent have they been overcome?

What role has race played in the history of Boxing?

Image result for Viv RIchards