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      Assessment for this module is as follows:

      • Oral participation/engagement in seminars (10%).
      • 1500-word essay [the Campo exercise] (10%).
      • 3000-word primary source review (40%).
      • 3000-word essay (40%).

      For visiting students from Ca' Foscari, the module is an assessed unit with 1 x 1,000-word essay plan and 1 x 3,000-word essay.

      Written assessments are marked according to the 20-point marking scaleLink opens in a new window. Please also follow the regulations regarding the use of Artificial IntelligenceLink opens in a new window.

      Seminar Contribution

      The Campo Exercise

      For guidance about the Campo Exercise, please see here.

      Primary Source Review

      For guidance about the Primary Source Review, please see here. Suggested primary sources are listed here. For the different forms of primary sources, there is a bibliography here.


      • Your essay should focus on the history of Venice or of the Venetian empire or of the courts of northern Italy between 1350 and 1650 and it should be based on primary and secondary sources.
      • You may use one of the seminar questions as the question for your essay. If you would prefer another question, please speak with your seminar tutor and we can work out one together. In either case, your tutor is happy to advise you about primary and secondary sources for your essay.

      Focus of Assessed Work

      • Your primary source review and your essay cannot both focus on the princely courts.
      • At least one of them should focus on Venice or on the Venetian empire.
      • They can both focus on Venice or on the Venetian empire.
      • Subjects discussed in your essay should not overlap significantly with subjects discussed in your primary source review. For example, if you focused on gender as part of your primary source review, do not write an essay which focuses on gender.
      Submission of Assessed Work

      For details of the submission of assessed work, click hereLink opens in a new window. NB The History Department uses the MHRA style guideLink opens in a new window. Please ensure that you follow this carefully, especially for the presentation of footnotes and bibliography.

      For the deadlines for submission, please see Tabula.

      Bocca di leone