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Set Text and Preparatory Reading

Each student should buy a copy of the following book:

  • Chambers, David, and Brian Pullan (eds), Venice: A Documentary History 1450-1630 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001) You can find buying options hereLink opens in a new window.

In order to get the most out of the module, students are urged to read a selection of the following books before they arrive in Venice:

The following guidebooks are not compulsory but they are recommended:

  • Buckley, Jonathan, The Rough Guide to Venice and the Veneto (London, 2016) [Available on Kindle]
  • Goy, Richard J., Venice: An Architectural Guide (London, 2010). [This book contains a lot of useful historical information].
  • Scibilia, Michela, Venezia (e laguna) low cost: Guida anticrisi alla città più bella del mondo (Milan: BUR, 2013) [Available on Kindle. Written by a Venetian, this is a guide to cheap living in Venice and includes entertainment and shopping].