Reading for Seminars, Site Visits, and Essays
There are nine seminar areas. For each seminar there are key texts. NB Each student is expected to read these items before the seminar.
For each seminar there are also seminar questions. Indications for further reading are given which can be used to prepare seminar questions. They are also to be used as the basis for essays.
Essay titles should be chosen in consultation with tutors.
Wherever possible, items are available online. For scanned items, click hereLink opens in a new window.
Libraries and the State Archive in Venice
There are four main libraries in Venice. The catalogues can be checked online hereLink opens in a new window. Listed below is some basic information concerning their location and opening hours. NB When going to the libraries for the first time, take your passport, some passport photos, and a letter saying that you are a Warwick student. Chiara can provide letters.
"BAUM" (Biblioteca Area Umanistica Università Ca' Foscari)
Location: Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà - Dorsoduro 3484/D. This is just off Campo S. Margherita. For a map, click hereLink opens in a new window.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 08.30-24.00 Saturday and Sunday: 09.00 to 21.00.
Website: opens in a new window
Comments: This is the humanities library of the University of Venice, with which Warwick has signed an agreement. The new library building was opened in 2006 and it contains over 300,000 books and 1,200 journals. It can seat 300 people.
Catalogue: Click hereLink opens in a new window.
“Querini” (Biblioteca della Fondazione Querini Stampalia)
Location: Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Palazzo Querini Stampalia (first floor)
Opening Hours: Monday: Closed. Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00 – 19.00
Website: opens in a new window
Comments: This library is located in the Palazzo Querini Stampalia.
“Marciana” (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana)
Location: Piazzetta San Marco, 7 (entrance near Caffé Chioggia)
Opening Hours: See hereLink opens in a new window.
Comments: This library is located in the old Mint (Zecca). It is much larger than the Correr and has a much wider selection of holdings. Certain categories of books can be ordered in the morning only.
“Correr” (Biblioteca del Museo Correr)
Location: Procuratie Nuove, Piazza San Marco (entrance near Caffé Florian; go through to second courtyard and take the lift up to the second floor).
Opening Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10.00-16.00. Places have to be booked online in advance. For these, please see hereLink opens in a new window.
Comments: This is a small and friendly library that specialises in art-historical texts (it is the dedicated library of the Museo Correr). It has relatively few seats.
Archivio di Stato di Venezia
Location: Campo dei Frari
Opening Hours: The sala di studio is open Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 8.30 to 18.00, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.30 to 14.00. Places have to be booked online in advance. For these, please see hereLink opens in a new window.
Comments: Situated in the former convent of the Frari, this is one of the largest archives in Italy.