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General Attendance

You are required to comply with certain requirements such as:

Our research degrees are demanding and intensive. Normally, students are expected to devote the equivalent of a 37.5 hour week to each week of their studies, including reading, research and preparation time, not just lectures, seminars and workshops. Students may have difficulty meeting the attendance and reading requirements if they take on a significant amount of paid work while studying.

Monitoring Points

To help us to gauge how successfully you are engaging with your course, identify any problems which you may be experiencing and offer support to help you, the department has a number of check points throughout the year. If you miss any of the points, this might indicate that you are having problems with the course and need additional support. These monitoring points are available to see on Tabula.

It is extremely important that you meet the requirements of each point as failure to do so could result in a letter being sent to you from Student Records reminding you of your obligations as a student.

International students should be particularly aware of the consequences of missing contact points: the Academic Office is obliged to report to the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration (formerly the UK Border Agency) if any Tier 4 students have been found not to be engaging with and attending their degree course. This will normally lead to the curtailment of their visas.

Tier 4 sponsored postgraduate students should ensure that the PG Coordinator is informed of any overseas research trips.

Please speak to the PGR director if you feel you might be at risk of not meeting these critical requirements at any point during your University career.

University Examination for First Degrees governs this procedure:



Welfare and Support

PhD Activities and Information

Upgrade Examination

Your Thesis and Viva Voce

Personal Development

Help Beyond the Department

Student Voice

Careers and Life beyond PhD