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Professor Jeremy Ahearne


Email: J dot Ahearne at warwick dot ac dot uk

Fourth Floor, Faculty of Arts Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Research interests

I work on contemporary French political, intellectual and cultural history, and also on issues raised by international language policies. I have developed through various publications a broad approach to the interface between national cultures and government policies, paying particular attention to issues of political secularism, education reform, the media, national memory, language, and international cultural projection. My main focus at the moment is a study of projections of French as a world language, which will be funded by a 12-month Leverhulme Research Fellowship in 2024-25.

Teaching and supervision

I am on funded research leave for the academic year 2024-25.

Administrative Roles

I have been since 2021 Deputy Chair (overseeing Research & Impact) for the Faculty of Arts. I have been head of French (2005-2008), director of the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies (on secondment, 2014-2017), and Director of Research for the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (2019-23).

Recent Publications

For full list of publications, see here.


BA, DPhil (Oxford)

Office hours

If you would like to see me please email for an appointment. I will normally respond within 24 hours.
