Dr Jorge Sarasola Herrera
Jorge is a Teaching Fellow in Hispanic Studies at Warwick University since September 2022. Previously, he taught Spanish and Comparative Literature at the University of St Andrews (2019-2022), where he completed his doctorate as a Wolfson scholar. Before that, he worked in his home country as Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay and as a primary school language teacher. Since 2016, Jorge is a regular columnist for the Uruguayan radio show, No Toquen Nada (Radio del Sol).
- Widening Participation Officer for Hispanic Studies
- Events Officer for Hispanic Studies
- 1st Year Senior Tutor for SMLC
Research interests
Jorge's doctoral thesis, entitled 'The Black River Plate: Race, History, and Cultural Memory in Uruguayan and Argentine Fiction, 2001-2021', examined the rise in contemporary historical fiction about the black past of the River Plate region. Framed through the lens of memory studies, these novels were analysed against the backdrop of the Bicentenary celebrations in Argentina (2010) and Uruguay (2011), which acted as catalysts for a reconfiguration of this racial outlook through reinterpretations of the nations’ histories.
General interests:
- Afro-Latin American literature and history
- The Latin American historical novel
- Memory Studies
- Uruguayan and Argentine Literature
- Intersections between philosophy and literature
- Tango Studies
- Translation Studies
- Article: 'Singer, Soldier, Slave: Competing Reappraisals of Ansina, the Afro-Uruguayan Independence Hero', Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies [forthcoming 2025]
- Article: 'Cannibalising the Argentine Canon in Washington Cucurto's La revolución de mayo vivida por los negros' (2008), Hispanófila [forthcoming 2025]
- Book review: Denise Kripper, Narratives of Mistranslation: Fictional Translators in Latin American Literature, in OCCT Review (2024).
- Film review: La sociedad de la nieve (dir. by J. A. Bayona, 2023), in Chasqui (November 2024), pp. 32-33.
- Interview with Jorge Chagas: “Confío que en el futuro surjan jóvenes narradores afrouruguayos”, in Latin American Literature Today, no. 26, June 2023.
- Film review: Togo (dir. by Israel Adrián Caetano, 2022), in Chasqui (May 2023), pp. 34-35.
- Book chapter: ‘Los sudamericanos conquistan Europa: Fútbol, civilización y barbarie en Gloria y tormento’, in Negritudes Latinoamericanas, ed. by Ociel Flores Flores et. al. (Ciudad de México, 2023), pp. 105-132
- Film review: El campeón del mundo (dir. Borgia & Madeiro, 2019), in Chasqui (2021)
- Book review: Robin Fiddian (ed.), Jorge Luis Borges in Context (2020), in OCCT Review (2020)
- Translation into English of Luis Alberto de Cuenca’s poem, “Desayuno”, in Poesía Artemis (2019)
- Book review: Fabienne Viala, The Post-Columbus Syndrome (2014), in OCCT Review (2018)
- Article: ‘Stranded between marianismo and malinchismo’, WRoCAH Student Journal, 4 (2018)
- Associate Fellow at the HEA
- PhD in Hispanic Studies at the University of St Andrews (2018-2022). Funded by the Wolfson Foundation.
- MA Erasmus Mundus Crossways in Cultural Narratives - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, University of Sheffield, Universitá di Bergamo (2016-2018). Funded by the European Commission.
- BA in Philosophy & Comparative Literature at the University of St Andrews (2011-2015). Funded by Banco Santander.
Office hours
Thursdays 16:00-17:00
Fridays 14:00-15:00
Please email if you wish to attend, other times might be available.
HP103: Language, Text, and Identity in the Hispanic World (lecturer)
HP223: Climate Fictions in the Hispanic World (module coordinator)
HP201: Modern Spanish Language Advanced II (translation tutor)
HP301: Modern Spanish Language III (translation & oral tutor)
LN401: Independent Research Project in Modern Language (supervisor)