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Neil Malloy

PhD French Studies

Email: neil dot malloy at warwick dot ac dot uk


I am a PhD student in French at Warwick, under the supervision of Oliver Davis and Douglas Morrey.

I studied English and French at Exeter College, Oxford, before moving to Paris, where I was a postgraduate student at the Ecole normale supérieure (rue d'Ulm) and the Sorbonne (Paris III). I then became a teacher and taught French Language and Literature in secondary schools just outside Paris and in Burgundy. After ten years in France, I returned to the UK and began my PhD at Warwick in 2021.


My research explores how the contemporary French novel represents lives lived in the shadow of neoliberalism.

I am interested in how recent novels by Maylis de Kerangal, Joy Sorman, Julia Deck and Marie-Hélène Lafon bring into focus those who have been pushed to society’s edges in the socio-economic situation that has come to dominate France since the turn of the 21st Century.

I read these literary texts alongside the work of recent thinkers in aesthetics like Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman, as well as theorists of neoliberalism including Wendy Brown, William Davies and Barbara Stiegler, to explore how literature represents, and enables its readers to think about, political invisibility.

Research Interests

Political invisibility; Neoliberalism; Social alienation; 20th and 21st Century Literature, especially the novel; Georges Didi-Huberman; Maylis de Kerangal; Marguerite Duras; Translation Studies; Visual Cultures; History of Art.


The Story of Modern France (FR121)

French-English/English-French Translation (FR201)


  • "Writing La Débauche: Desire and the Limits of Work in the Contemporary Novel" in French Studies Bulletin, Volume 45, Issue 169-170, Spring 2024. [The article can be found here]
  • "'Seuls demeurent' : poétique de l'impersonnel chez Duras et Blanchot" in Duras et Blanchot : Ecarts, affinités, communautés ? suivi de Archives plurielles de Duras, ed. Sylvie Loignon, La Revue des Lettres modernes, Minard, 2022.
  • "De la disparition d'une lettre : les traductions anglaise et américaine du Ravissement de Lol V. Stein" in Cahiers Marguerite Duras, 1, 2021. [Open access article]Link opens in a new window
  • "L'écrit adressé", "Le Monde extérieur", "La Pute de la côte normande" in Dictionnaire Marguerite Duras, ed. Bernard Alazet and Christiane Blot-Labarrère, Honoré Champion, 2020.
  • "Faire trembler la langue : traduire L'Amant du français en anglais" in Marguerite Duras. Passages, croisements, rencontres, ed. Olivier Ammour-Mayeur, Florence de Chalonge, Yann Mével and Catherine Rodgers, Classiques Garnier, 2019.
  • "Les ombres du jardin : la mise en scène des marginaux dans le théâtre de Marguerite Duras" in Marguerite Duras : Un théâtre de voix / A Theatre of voices, ed. Mary Noonan and Joëlle Pagès-Pindon, Brill-Rodopi, 2018.
  • "L'endroit et le mot" in Bulletin de la Société Marguerite Duras, no 30, vol 1, 2012, pp. 111-123.

Scholarships and Awards

AHRC (Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership) Doctoral Award (2021-2025)

Ancien élève de l'Ecole normale supérieure (rue d'Ulm) - Sélection internationale (2011-2015)


BA (Oxon), Master de Lettres modernes (Paris)