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A Dramaturgy of Care After Conflict

A Dramaturgy of Embodied Care

As part of Alison’s interest in memory as practice, she collaborates with the London-based theatre collective, Ephemeral Ensemble. Together, we have been formulating an embodied dramaturgy of care, a theatre inspired by our concern for each other, for a caring relationship to the world, and a vision of a better future.

A dramaturgy of care promotes connectedness, exchange, and mutual respect. It can surprise us, and it open us up to new ideas and points of view. But care also leads us to reflect on our own positionality in relation to others and the world. This is one of its greatest strengths. Adopting a caring perspective in our work allows us to see future potential together, and to build each from our unique positions to a shared vision of hope.

Read more about our co-productions:

Ephemeral Ensemble cast