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How to apply for postgraduate study

The postgraduate application and admissions process at Warwick is split into seven stages:

  1. Choose your course
  2. Check the entry requirements
  3. How to apply Link opens in a new window(University webpage)
  4. Pay the application assessment fee (for taught courses only)
  5. Deadlines
  6. Follow any instructions emailed to you
  7. We'll consider your application
  8. A decision will be communicated to you via email

1. Choose your course

Take a look at the available courses, come to an Open Day or contact the Director of Graduate Studies or MA convenor directly. You can apply for as many courses as you wish. However, if you are successful for more than one application you can only accept one full-time course.

2. Check the entry requirements

Consider whether you are able to meet the entry requirements for the course. This includes academic requirements (such as qualifications or previous experience) and English language ability.

All courses in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures are assigned to English Language Test Band B and require an overall IELTS score of 7.0. If you have not taken an IELTS test, please check the English Language tests approved by the University.

3. Complete the application form

Complete the online postgraduate application form. Read the guidance on how to apply, particularly the research degree application checklistLink opens in a new window.

4. Pay the application assessment fee

The fee only applies to taught courses. For 2024 entry onwards (applying from October 2023) the application assessment fee for postgraduate taught courses is £75. There are no fees for research-only programme applications.

Please note the application assessment fee is non-refundable. Once you have submitted your application and paid the application assessment fee we will immediately start reviewing your application.

5. Deadlines

The general deadline for applications for our taught postgraduate courses is the 15 July immediately preceding commencement of study. Please note that the School of Modern Languages and Cultures is extending the deadline for applications from applicants with home fees status (i.e. applicant who do not need to apply for a visa) to Wednesday 31 August.

6. Follow any instructions emailed to you

You will be asked to upload supporting documents. The documents requested and format may differ slightly, depending on the course you have applied for, but will typically include your:

  • Degree transcript
  • Academic references (1 for taught postgraduate courses; 2 for research courses – additional references may be requested if needed)
  • English Language Test Certificate
  • Research proposal and/or Personal Statement

7. We'll consider your application

Please note that recommendations for admission are made by Course Selectors to the University's Admissions services, who carry out any necessary checks.

8. A decision will be communicated to you via email

All decisions will be communicated to you by the University's central Postgraduate Admissions Team.


Postgraduate Research

(PhD and research Master's)

School Director of Graduate Studies, Professor Ingrid De Smet at I dot de-Smet at warwick dot ac dot uk

Postgraduate Taught Masters

(MA in Translation and Cultures and MA in Modern Languages and Cultures)

School MA Convenor and Deputy DGS, Dr David Orrego-Carmona at david dot orrego-carmona at warwick dot ac dot uk

Application Deadlines

For our taught MA programmes, your application should be received by 15 July for courses starting in September, so that it can be processed in time.

There are no deadlines for Postgraduate Research courses. However, if you also plan to apply for funding, please get in touch well in advance of the funding deadline to discuss your project.

We welcome PhD enquiries at any time, but especially from Mid-September to the end of November (at the latest) for the most popular funding schemes.