Assignment 1
Write an essay of between 1200 and 1500 words on ONE of the questions listed below:
1. Examine the relationship between structure and meaning in EITHER the Châtelaine de Vergy OR Des Cannibales.
2. Compare and contrast the role of the author/narrator in the Châtelaine de Vergy and Des Cannibales.
3. ‘Medieval and Early Modern texts often seek to teach their readers by entertaining them, though what the reader is supposed to learn is not always straightforward.’ Analyse the extent to which this may be true of EITHER the Châtelaine de Vergy OR Des Cannibales.
4. To what extent and in what ways is knowledge of historical context relevant to the reader’s understanding of texts from other periods? Answer with reference to EITHER the Châtelaine de Vergy OR Des Cannibales OR BOTH.
5. Examine the interplay between truth-telling and storytelling in EITHER the Châtelaine de Vergy OR Des Cannibales OR BOTH.
This essay must be submitted both electronically (e-submission) and in hard copy by the deadline indicated on the summative assessment page.