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Creating a Presentation: Advice and Tools

Creating a poster:

  • Note this online resource that takes you through the step-by-step process of making a poster:

  • Take a look at David Lees's poster presentation(Powerpoint Presentation)
  • Take a look at David's advice document for poster making(Word Document)
  • Take a look at some sample posters from a recent English department module here


Using powerpoint

 a. Using powerpoint to develop your ideas

This is essentially a storyboarding technique. You could equally use this for planning other kinds of presentation: poster, film and so forth

1. Note everything down on a series of slides (1 key idea per slide)

2. Use the View - Slide sorter option (available from the menu at the top of the page) to re-arrange your ideas by dragging and dropping.

3. Edit your slides by getting rid of most of the text. Replace it with:

    • images
    • quotes / key words

4. Put the text you have cut in your notes for you to use as a basis for your talk.


b. Delivering effective presentations using powerpoint.

Use the Learning grid for advice. See particularly this page:


Using Screencapture / Film making

You can achieve some impressive effects by making films that use a range of images and data (powerpoint slides, photos, facsimiles of texts and so forth) which you can accompany with a voice over.

Rob O'Toole can help you put your presentation together and is happy to do this. Contact him sooner rather than later. You can find him in the media suite in Milburn House. Click on Media Suite to obtain all the information and Rob's contact details.

Using Prezi

You've already used this quite successfully, but by all means use it again.


Using Mindmaps

In addition to using maps to brainstorm concepts, you can use them to prepare for larger papers. See Rob's advice on planning presentations using mindmaps.(PDF Document) 

You might even want to consider using a mindmap as the basis for your presentation. Download the MindJet software to your computer from here (it's free for students):