FR260 Further Reading
A specific reading list may be found on the Talis Aspire pages for the course (linked in the course Moodle pages).
- Appignanesi, Lisa. 2008. Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 to the Present
- Bruch, Hilde. The Golden Cage: The Enigma of Anorexia Nervosa (Open Books, 1978)
- Brumberg, Joan Jacobs. Fasting Girls: The History of Anorexia Nervosa (New York: Vintage, 2000).
- Felman, Shoshana. 1975. 'Women and Madness: The Critical Phallacy', Diacritics 5: 2-10
- Finch, Alison. 2000. Women's Writing in Nineteenth-Century France
- Holmes, Diana. 1996. French Women's Writing 1848-1994
- Hustvedt, Asti. 2011. Medical Muses: Hysteria in Nineteenth-Century Paris (London: Bloomsbury).
- Kanes, Martin, 1990. Critical Essays on Honore de Balzac
- Kay, Cave and Bowie. 2003. A Short History of French Literature (Part III)
- Little, Roger. ed. 1998. Ourika, Madame de Duras (excellent introduction to the text)
- Matlock, Jann. 1991. 'Doubling out of the Crazy House: Gender, Autobiography and the Insane Asylum in Nineteenth-Century France', Representations 34: 167-95
- Matlock, Jann. 1994. Scenes of Seduction: Prostitution, Hysteria and Reading Difference in Nineteenth-Century France
- Orbach, Susie. Hunger Strike: The Anorectic's Struggle as a Metaphor for our Age (London: Karnac, 2005).
- Ripa, Yannick. 1990. Women and Madness: The Incarceration of Women in Nineteenth-Century France
- Schumacher, Claude. 1990. Emile Zola: Therese Raquin
- Showalter, Elaine. 1987. The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture
- Stephens, Sonya (ed.) 2000. A History of Women's Writing in France
- Tilby, Michael (ed.) 1995. Balzac
- Wilson, Susannah. 2010. Voices From the Asylum: Four French Women Writers, 1850-1920
- Zeldin, Theodore. 1977. A History of French Passions: Intellect, Taste and Anxiety (vol. 2, chapter 17, 'Worry, Boredom and Hysteria')