FR325 Formative Essay Titles
In addition to the summative work that you are REQUIRED to submit for this module you have the OPTION to write formative assignments from the list of questions given below. Please note that formative assignments are for training purposes only and do not count as part of your final degree classification. We strongly recommend that you submit formative assignments as it will enable you to hone the skills developed in this module and to prepare for your summative assessments.
What is expected?
- you should write 1500-2000 words under one of the titles below
- the essay should be properly presented and referenced (click here for guidance on referencing)
- all quotations from core texts should be given in French
- the deadline for submission of formative essays is Friday of Week 10 in each of the two terms
Choice of titles for first formative essay
- Contrast wider with narrower definitions of 'policing' and evaluate their respective merits.
- Identify and discuss the principal techniques of coercive governance at the Mettray reformatory.
- In your view, what were the objectives of Jean Genet's L'Enfant criminel and how effectively are they pursued?
- Contrast the assumptions made by the speaker in Jean Genet's L'Enfant criminel about the listener addressed in the broadcast script with those of Henri Charrière's Papillon. How do you account for the differences?
- Identify and analyse a selection of the techniques of coercive governance encountered in Henri Charrière's Papillon.
- What insight does Jérôme Ferrari's Où j'ai laissé mon âme provide into the thought processes of those members of the French army who tortured during The Algerian War?
- Discuss the function of religion and religious discourse in Jérôme Ferrari's Où j'ai laissé mon âme.
- Discuss fragmentation in Alain Resnais, Muriel ou le temps d'un retour.
- Examine the character of Bernard in Alain Resnais, Muriel ou le temps d'un retour, in light of this comment by the scriptwriter: 'J'avais été très frappé par la gêne des garçons qui revenaient de l'armée: ils étouffaient littéralement, comme si l'expérience qu'ils avaient vécue là-bas était incommunicable. C'était un secret trop lourd pour eux. Je voulais montrer cela aussi.' (Cayrol cited in Wilson, p. 94).
Choice of titles for second formative essay
- Compare and contrast the policing of Paris in October 1961 and May 1968.
- Identify and evalute the aims, structure and methods of the GIP.
- Assess the successes and limitations of the GIP's resistance to techniques of coercive governance.
- What are the key features of Fassin's account of the Brigade Anti-Criminalité (BAC)? Describe and evaluate his research methodology.
- Discuss Fassin's suggestion that the relationship between the police and the local community was a cause of the 2005 riots.
- Summarize and critique Maurizio Lazzarato's account of economic policing through indebtedness.
- Discuss family relationships in Laurent Cantet's L'Emploi du temps.
- According to Mattelart and Vitalis, what are the dangers of user profiling?
- According to Emmanuel Todd's Qui est Charlie?, what is wrong with the French public response to recent acts of terrorism? In your view, how persuasive is his argument?