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FR345 Formative essay titles


In addition to the summative assignment that you may be REQUIRED to submit for this module, you have the OPTION to write a formative assignment from the list of questions given below. Please note that formative assignments are for training purposes only and do not count as part of your final degree classification.

We strongly recommend that you submit a formative assignment as it will enable you to hone the skills developed in this module and to prepare for your summative assessment(s).

All formative assignments must be submitted to your module tutor by the beginning of week 8 in terms 1 and/or term 2. Tutors will return your marked assignment by the end of term.

You may, if you wish, discuss the same text/thinker in a summative assignment as you have discussed in a piece of formative assignment, but you must not reproduce in part or whole any of your formative assignment in your summative assignment.


Essays must be submitted in printed form. Emailed essays will not be accepted.


Write an essay of 1,200–1,500 words on one of the titles/questions listed below.

NOTE. These titles are supplied for formative essays only. A separate list of titles has been supplied for summative assessment. You may not submit an essay on one of these titles for the summative end-of-year assessment. If you do so, you risk attracting a penalty of 10 marks.

Formative essays term 1

Choose one of the following titles:

1) Examine Simone de Beauvoir’s ‘analysis and appeal’ method in Le Deuxième Sexe.
2) With reference to Luce Irigaray’s Je, tu, nous, discuss the role played by language in the affirmation of sexual difference.
3) To what extent do the essays in Mythologies support Roland Barthes’s view that myths are forms of bourgeois ideology?
4) Discuss the interplay of philosophical analysis and personal experience in any TWO of the following: de Beauvoir’s Le Deuxième Sexe, Irigaray’s Je, tu, nous, Barthes’ Mythologies.

Formative essays term 2

To be confirmed.