Recommended Reading list of secondary material
The French Revolution 2019-20
- Andress, D., French Society in Revolution (1999)
- Andress, D., The Terror: Civil War in the French Revolution (2005)
- Biard, M. (ed), les Politiques de la Terreur (1793-1794). Actes du colloque international de Rouen (janvier 2007), Paris et Rennes, Société des études robespierristes et Presses universitaires de Rennes (2008)
- Blanc, O., Olympe de Gouges (1981)
- Blanning, T.C.W., The French Revolution : Class War or Culture Clash? (1998)
- Blum, C., Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue: The Language of Politics in the French Revolution (1986)
- Bonnet, J.-C., La Carmagnole des muses (1988)
- Bordes, P., Aux armes et aux arts: Les Arts de la Révolution (1988)
- Bourdin, Philippe & Gérard Loubinoux (eds), Les arts de la scène & la révolution française (Clermont-Ferrand: Université Blaise-Pascal, 2004)
- Brecy, R., La Révolution en chantant (1988)
- Brive, Marie-France (ed), Les Femmes et la Révolution, actes du colloque international, 12-13-14 avril 1989, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 3 vols (1989)
- Brown, H., Ending the French Revolution : violence, justice, and repression from the terror to Napoleon (2006)
- Censer, J.R. and L. Hunt, Exploring the French Revolution (2001)
- Chartier, R. The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution, trans. by L. Cochrane (Durham, N.C., 1991)
- Doyle, W., Origins of the French Revolution (1980)
- Doyle, W., The Oxford History of the French Revolution (1989; new ed. 2003)
- Gérard, A. La Révolution française: mythes et réalité 1789-1970 (1970)
- Goodman, Dena, Marie-Antoinette : Writings on the Body of a Queen (2003)
- Haydon, C. and W. Doyle (eds), Robespierre (1999)
- Jones, C., The Great Nation (2002)
- Kates, G. (ed.), The French Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies (1998)
- Kennedy, E., A Cultural History of the French Revolution (1989)
- Kennedy, E (ed), Theatre, Opera and Audiences in Revolutionary Paris (1996)
- Mason, L., Singing the French Revolution (1996)
Mason, L., “Angels and Furies: Women and Popular Song in the French Revolution,” in Jeffrey
Jackson & Stanley Pelkey (eds) Music and History: Bridging the Disciplines.
University Press of Mississippi, 2005. pp 44-61 on google books - Melzer, S. and L. Rabine, Rebel Daughters: Women and the French Revolution (1992)
- Négrel, Eric and J.-P. Sermain, Une Expérience rhétorique: L’Eloquence de la Révolution, SVEC 2002:2
- Ozouf, M., La Fête révolutionnaire (1976)
- Roberts, J.M., (ed), French Revolution Documents I & II (1966 & 1973)
- Schama, S., Citizens (1989)
- Scurr, Ruth, Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution (2006)
- Sweetman, J., The Enlightenment and the Age of Revolution (1998)
- Tarin, R., Le Théâtre de la constituante ou l’Ecole du peuple (1998)
- Weber, Caroline, Terror and its discontents : suspect words in revolutionary France (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003)
- Woloch, Isser The new regime: transformations of the French civic order, 1789-1820 (1994)