Guillaume Dustan
Core reading
Guillaume Dustan, Dans ma chambre (1996) [Please buy the 2013 POL edition entitled Oeuvres I, which contains this text, and make sure you also read the Introduction by Thomas Clerc]
Advance preparation for seminar discussion
- About what is Dustan affirmative in Dans ma chambre? To what extent does the book allow and encourage the reader to share his enthusiasms?
- What, in your view, are the limitations of the author-narrator’s world-view?
- How ‘open’ is the gay community (or culture, or subculture) presented in the text? (Who belongs and who doesn’t and why? How easy would it be to join this community?)
- What are the characteristic features of Dustan’s pornographic writing?
Student presentation task: Is Dans ma chambre a dangerous book? Justify your answer by analysing examples from the text and relevant secondary literature.
Further reading
- Best, Victoria & Crowley, Martin, The New Pornographies: Explicit Sex in Recent French Fiction and Film (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007), ch. 3. See here for details of print copies. Click here for scanned extract.
- Davis, Oliver, 'Guillaume Dustan's "autopornobiographie": Is there room for trash in the queer subcultural archive?', in Alienation and Alterity: Otherness in Modern and Contemporary Francophone contexts, ed. by Helen Vassallo & Paul Cooke (Bern: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 59-76.
- Davis, Oliver, 'Leading by example: A queer critique of personalization and coercive community governance in Act Up-Paris’s operation against the bareback writers', Sexualities 18 (2015): 141-157. Available via the Library here.
- Evans, Elliot, 'Your HIV-positive sperm, my trans-dyke uterus: Anti/futurity and the politics of bareback sex between Guillaume Dustan and Beatriz Preciado', Sexualities 18 (2015): 127-140. Available via the Library here.
- Hendrickson, Daniel & Siegel, Marc, 'The Ghetto Novels of Guillaume Dustan', Paroles gelées 16, 1: 97-119.
- Kollias, Hector, ‘Guillaume Dustan, Master of the Drive’, Journal of Romance Studies 8:2 (2008), 113-130.
- Noguez, Dominique, ‘Rayon littérature universelle’, écritures 14 (2004), 93-97.
- Phillips, Adam & Bersani, Leo, Intimacies (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008), chs. 2 & 4. Available via the Library as an e-book here.
- Preciado, Beatriz, Testo junkie: sexe, drogue et biopolitique (Paris: Grasset, 2008). See here.