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Modern German Language 1

Module Code: GE101
Module Name: Modern German Language 1
Module Coordinator: Anne-Kathrin Bock
Timetable by Group
Module Credits: 30

Module Description

The module Modern German Language is taken by all students in Year 1. Over the year you will have four sessions in German language per week. These consist of (a) a weekly Translation class covering translation from and into German, and (b) a small language class working on Grammar. You will also have (c) one weekly Conversation and Comprehension class taught by our native-speaker LektorInnen and (d) one weekly Writing class which will introduce you to the German media, to different genres and writing styles and help you hone your own writing skills in German.

In addition, you will be expected to work through exercises in the paper-based Hammer Grammar and its online version, which will be demonstrated at the first Translation Class in Week 2. You are also encouraged to explore other online and paper-based materials as directed by your tutors.

In the spring term you will work in pairs on a German language topic (Media project) under the supervision of your Writing class tutor.

Assessment Method:

You will take two examinations in the summer term:

GE101 Comprehension and Translation paper (comprehension questions on a German text, summary and translation from and into German)

An oral examination (15 mins)

There will be summative assessment throughout the year:

Writing Coursework

Media project (Spring term)

Midterm grammar test (Spring term)

Translation Coursework, in-class assessment (Spring term)