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Outline Grammar Syllabus

  1. Word formation: prefixes and suffixes. Relative sentences with preposition (en, con, sobre el/la/los/las que...). Comparative constructions. Special pronominal constructions (recordarle, venirle a la memoria). Expressions of location (enfrente de, frente a, cerca de). Revision of ser, estar, haber. Reflexive verbs. Temporal expressions (en ese momento, de repente, al mismo tiempo).
  2. Adjectives, verbs and adverbs interacting. Present subjunctive. Use of preterites (indefinido vs imperfecto). Temporal expressions and constructions in the past (durante, al cabo de, poco después).
  3. Verbs of change (hacerse, quedarse, ponerse). Periphrastic verbs. Comparative constructions (no tan... como/mucho más... que). Final constructions (para + infinitive, para que + subjunctive, por si + indicative, no vaya a ser que + subjunctive).
  4. Expressing probability (quizás/probablemente + Indicative /subjunctive). Temporal constructions with subjunctive (cuando, en cuanto, tan pronto como). Use and formation of mperfect subjunctive.
  5. Conditional sentences (si + Present indicative, si + imperfect subjunctive, siempre y cuando / a no ser que + Present subjunctive). Use of lo: lo más + adjective. Use of conditional (habría que / deberíamos + Infinitive). Subordinated sentences. Connectors.
  6. Sentences with verbs of affection or emotions (Indignar, estar harto de, no aguantar. Me gustaría + infinitive / Me gustaría que + imperfective subjunctive). Intensifiers: enormemente, tremendamente. Future tense using verb prometer. Use of adjectives before nouns.
  7. Adverbs ending in –mente. Causal constructions.
  8. Concessive constructions (a pesar de/ aunque).
  9. Discourse markers (en cuanto a, por el contrario, a pesar de ello).
  10. Use of special verbs (pasar/pasarlo, quedar/quedarse, parecer/parecerse, soler).
  11. Pronominal verbs. Passive voice (se). Imperative negative.
  12. Compound conditional. Pluperfect subjunctive.
  13. Conditional constructions (Si + Pluperfect subjunctive).
  14. Compound conditional / Pluperfect subjunctive. Tendría que + compound infinitive.
  15. Perfect subjunctive.