IT301 Modern Italian Language II: Assessment
This module is marked using the 17-point marking scale, unlike first-year modules in Italian language, which are marked using any point on the 0-100 scale. This is because the 17-point scale is more appropriate to the modes of assessment used in this module. For further information, please see the details of marking schemes offered in the Italian departmental handbooks or ask your module tutor.
In both the third and fourth year language modules, the pattern of assessment alters slightly according to which year the student spends in Italy (or, in some cases, whether the student has spent a year in Italy at all). All students who spend a year in Italy must take language tests on their return to Warwick in the October of the following year, and the marks for these tests are incorporated into the overall mark for the language module that year. The marks for the other tests and exams are adjusted accordingly.
The patterns of assessment for IT 301 are as follows:
- students who have spent the previous year in Italy:
October aural 20%
Oral 20% (10% October oral exam, 10% class presentation)
Translation exam 30%
Essay exam 30%
- students who have not spent the previous year in Italy:
Oral 20% (10% class presentation, 10% summer oral exam)
Translation exam 40%
Essay exam 40%