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SMLC - News and events

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video message for first years

Head of School Kate Astbury has an end of term message for first years. You can listen to it here:

We gathered together some ideas for keeping up language learning for our offer holders but many work for more advanced linguists too - take a look:

We'll provide more suggestions of preparatory reading for year 2 in due course.

Stay safe and have a good summer.

Head of School update 9th April

Thu 09 Apr 2020, 17:08 | Tags: Undergraduate

The Warwick Student Experience Survey

Want to share what’s great about being at your University? Have suggestions on what needs to improve around campus?

Have your say in the Warwick Student Experience Survey between 11 November and 8 December.

Tue 12 Nov 2019, 10:03 | Tags: Postgraduates, Undergraduate, SMLC News, Arts Faculty

Warwick hosts UK's national conference for German Studies

The Department of German Studies and the School of Modern Languages and Cultures played host to British and Irish-based Germanists of all backgrounds last week, from 5-7 September. A brief preview follows.

Congratulations to Hispanic Studies undergraduate prizewinners!

We are incredibly proud of our inaugural Hispanic Studies prizewinners. These prizes reflect some really outstanding contributions and achievements. Congratulations to all of you!

Congratulations to Chiyomi Duble and The Language Centre Japanese Team on the success of your students Fabio Priore and Kit Ng, who were awarded the Hometown Comparison Prize

The students took part in the Finals Day of the 12th Japanese Speech Contest for University Students, which was held on March 4th 2017.

Thu 09 Mar 2017, 14:48 | Tags: Language Centre - News Undergraduate SMLC News

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