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Postdoctoral research fellows in Italian Studies

Italian Studies at Warwick has a history of attracting highly qualified research fellows, both for collaborative research projects (funded, for instance, by the the European Research Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council) and for individual ones (including the Newton, British Academy, Marie Curie IEF, and the Leverhulme Early Career Fellow schemes).

Research fellows are considered staff members of the University; they participate in the School's teaching and administration activities as well as in their specific research programme. A strong training element ensures that they are prepared for their responsibilities and that they quickly find themselves at home in the School.

We warmly welcome applications for schemes including Marie Curie, British Academy, Newton, Leverhulme and other fellowships from suitable candidates. For further information contact Professor Fabio Camilletti (the Director of Research and Impact for Italian):

Current research fellows and postdocs

Past research fellows