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Arts Faculty News

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Artwork - New Faculty of Arts Building - Faith in the Miraculous

New Faculty of Arts building artwork commission. Can you spare 10 minutes to talk to artist Matthew Raw and to express your feelings and plans about the move of the Arts and Humanities departments into the new building? He is interested in talking to anyone who will live with the building (and mural!) every day. If you would like to be involved, please contact Sarah Shalgosky asap at

New Faculty of Arts Building - Defining Moment - Car Park 7 Comes Down

A significant marker in the construction of the new Faculty of Arts Building. The commencement of demolition of the old Car Park 7. On Tuesday 8 May, representatives from the contractors Bowmer and Kirkland joined Alastair Dixon from the Estates Office and Diana Stonefield, the Director of Administration for the Faculty of Arts, to mark the start of the demolition of Car Park 7. The new Faculty of Arts building will be constructed on the site of Car Park 7 and is anticipated to be completed by 2021.

Representatives from the Faculty of Arts, Estates and the contractor Bowmer and Kirkland are standing infront of a large demolition lorry and besides the old Car Park 7.