Current PhD Profiles and Past PhD Topics
Current Thesis Topics:
- Visualising mental health: the role of intersectional marginality in the persistence of the [contemporary] Hollywood film musical (James Davis)
- Cinematic Time in the Anthropocene: the Duration of Inequity (Joe Garrard)
- Modern Palestinian Women under the British Mandate: Interpreting History Through Film’ (Mahassen Nasser-Eldin)
- The Use of Satirical Depictions by Political Figures on British Television Since the 1990s (Mara Anselmo-SantanaLink opens in a new window)
- The Star Image of Ayako Wakao and Spaces of Post-war Japanese Sexual Politics (Lydia Brammer)
- Filming madness: Challenging Mental Health Myths Through First-person Narratives and Creating Social Advocacy (Hande CayirLink opens in a new window)
- The Invisible Dying in Documentary Film (Anbei Cheng)
- The Hollow Home: The Aesthetic Utility and Cultural Significance of the Motel in Contemporary American Cinema (Danielle ChildsLink opens in a new window)
- Feminist Horror Theory: Film Form and Female Identity – Rewriting in the Key of Gender (Rossana GalimiLink opens in a new window)
- 'Doctor Who Fans and COVID-19: Fandom-Based Strategies for Pandemic Engagement' (Rachel Loewen)
- 'As Seen on TV: Televisual Hoaxes in Factual Entertainment' (Jason Potel)
First Nations Australian Cinema and the Sublime, Theorising the Limits of Representation (Carl Reinecke)Link opens in a new window
- Liquid Kinship: The Cinema of Kore-eda Hirokazu (Yue SuLink opens in a new window)
Masculinity and Post-Continuity Style in 21st Century Digital Action Cinema (Dom Thornton)
The Reinvention of Tokyo as a Global City through Cinema (Hao WenLink opens in a new window)
Subverting Brazilian fascism through queer cinema (Daniel ZacariottiLink opens in a new window)
Where affect and critical thinking meet: identity-based, human rights and social justice film festivals as sites of engaged pedagogy and knowledge production (Misha ZakharovLink opens in a new window)
- Sexing it Up: Navigating Sex, Power and Pleasure in Popular Cinema during #MeToo (Polina ZelmanovaLink opens in a new window)
Recently completed thesis topics:
- Women and the Nation in Early Italian Cinema, 1905-1914 (Emma Morton)
- Another Heteronationalist Empire? (Un)making New Russian Regimes of Gender, Sexuality and Race on the Transitional Screen (1986-2005) (misha irek (Yakovlev))
- 'The Serialised Documentary: Aesthetics, Authorship, Engagement' (Lance Hayward)
- Theatricality and Time in Cinema (Ilia Ryzhenko)
- Rural modernities: the politics and aesthetics of extra-urban experiences in Italian cinema (Ilaria Puliti)
- Posthumanism, humanness and technological embodiment in science-fiction film and television (Liam Rogers)
- Audiovisual Microhistories in Pinochet's Chile (Vladimir Rosas Salazar)
- Queer Domesticities in British Situation Comedies (Richard Dhillon)
- Television Archives and UK Cities of Culture (Kat Pearson)
- Concepts of Distance and Proximity in Media Representations of War and the Ethical Possibilities of the New Media (Pablo Alvarez Murillo)
- Visconti, Neorealism and the Italian Communist Party: politics and aesthetics in Visconti's films 1943-1964 (Rossana Capitano)
- Subverting Patriarchal Myths: Feminism and the Female Director in Exploitation Film (Sinead Edmonds)
- The Aesthetics of Post-Broadcast Comedy Television (Thomas Hemingway)
- The representation of youth in British cinema from 1950 to 1970 (Hannah Hitchin)
- The Role of the Popular Press in the Construction of a Cinematic Imaginary: Italy 1950-68 (Silvia Magistrali)
- Recession, Austerity and Deterioration: The Representation of the Northern Male Body in British Film and Television (Daniel Martin)
- Sexual Repression and the Romantic Ideal in the Dream Ballets of Hollywood Musicals (Helen Palmer)
- "Transitional” Generation: Production, Reception, and Representation of Dictatorship in Young Chilean Filmmaking (Eva-Rosa Ferrand Verdejo)
- Memory and Materiality in Music Television (Leanne Weston)
Past theses:
The New Argentine cinema; Cross Dressing and Spectatorship; Dressing the Part; Documentary films in post-dictatorial Chile: politics of memory and national identity (1990-2010); Mockumentary comedy; The American President in Hollywood Film and Television; Mind to Screen: Disordered Mental States in Film; The male makeover in film and television; Historical Reassessment in Contemporary American Cinema: Myth, Iconography and the Digital; Thrillers of State on British Television; Strategies of Narrative and Spectacle in the New 3D Cinema; Aesthetics of Negativity: The Cinema of Suzuki Seijun; The Strategies in Translating Culture-Specific References in American and Thai Films: An Analysis of Subtitles; Remediation: Influence Process between Film and Video Game Audiovisual Language; Fanvids and Television: Archives, Appropriation and Argument; The Courtroom Trial Sequence in Hollywood Cinema, 1934-1966; The Lubitsch Touch; The Postmodern Auteur: A Contradiction in Terms?; Siyakhumbula Ngabafazi Bethu: Memorying The Everyday Through Race And Gender In South African Post-Apartheid Cinema And Visual Culture; Documentary Evidence and Fiction Film: Political Torture in contemporary US and Chilean Cinema; Tracing the Home Movie Imagination; The Development of the Superhero Blockbuster; Cinephilia and Citationality in the Cinema of Jacques Demy; The Kinaesthetics of Serial Television; The Children's Horror Film; Contingency in the Multi-Protagonist Film vis-à-vis Contemporary Continental Philosophy; The representation of the cinema projectionist in film; A Globally Formatted Queer TV in Post-2000 China; Costume and Fashion in Television Drama; Screening the 70s: Representation of 1970s in Brit Film & TV; Unidentified Flying Objects and the Photographic Image