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Offer Holders


Welcome to postgraduate study in Global Sustainable Development

"Very well done on receiving an offer of a place on our postgraduate programmes. I hope that your preparations for joining us are going well and that you are looking forward to joining our GSD community. We will do our very best to support you to flourish and achieve your goals. I will be able to help with administrative and practical arrangements along with Holly Hamer, our Postgraduate Coordinator. We look forward to getting to know you all."

Heather Robson | Postgraduate Programmes' Manager

"Thank you for applying to join us at Warwick, and congratulations on your offer! Undertaking postgraduate study can be hugely rewarding, but also very challenging. This is maybe especially true if you’re new to the University of Warwick, to the UK, coming from a different disciplinary background (or all of the above). We expect that you have lots of questions, and maybe even some concerns. We’re committed to making your time with us in GSD at Warwick a positive and transformative experience. To that end, please do let us know if there is anything we can do to support you before you arrive. We’re happy to answer any questions and discuss any concerns. We look forward to meeting you soon!"

Dr Nick Bernards | Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes

"We are looking forward to welcoming you to our exciting PhD programme and our growing research community in Global Sustainable Development at Warwick. We hope to work with you to address issues of global challenges, to engage with transdisciplinary debates and to produce new knowledge about our world and societies in times of crisis. "

Dr Xioadong Lin 林曉東 博士 | Director of Graduate Studies (Research)

Next steps

Meeting your offer conditions

If you have received a conditional offer, your place can only be confirmed once you have demonstrated that you have satisfied all of the conditions. Your offer will clearly state any conditions you are required to satisfy. You can check your offer conditions in the applicant portal. Please see here for information on meeting the conditions of your offer.

If you have any questions relating to admissions and your application, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions Team.

Applying for funding

Warwick offers a variety of postgraduate funding options for study at the University of Warwick.

MASc bursaries

The School for Cross-faculty Studies is pleased to announce its GSD bursaries for postgraduate taught students. Up to four bursaries are available for students commencing MASc study in autumn 2023. The application deadline for the bursaries is midday (UK time) on Monday 5 June 2023.

These bursaries have now been allocated for 2023/24.

Applying for accommodation

Postgraduate students either live on campus in our university accommodation or off-campus.

Warwick Accommodation can offer advice on all matters relating to accommodation for postgraduate students.

Welcome Week

In GSD, Welcome Week is compulsory for our MASc students and optional for our PhD students.

Getting to know us

Getting to know us (or getting back in touch, if you've already studied with us) is an important step in your transition to postgraduate study in our department:

Have your voice heard: Student-Staff Liaison Committee

Students registered on our postgraduate programmes have their own Postgraduate GSD Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC). The SSLC meets regularly and provides a forum for discussion on the postgraduate provision.


Wellbeing Support Services

Your wellbeing is really important to us. We want you to feel safe, supported, and reassured as you become part of our postgraduate community. There will be a range of services available to help support you through your postgraduate experience through Warwick's Wellbeing Support Services. Following a short consultation, the Wellbeing Team will refer you to the most appropriate people for support. In addition, the team offers advice and support appointments on a wide range of issues.

Disability Services

We encourage you to declare any disability or learning difference early (you can do this the moment you apply) and contact the University's Disability Services in advance to discuss your support requirements to enable us to make reasonable adjustments for the duration of your studies.

Find out about Warwick's Disability Services.

Professional development support

Bodrun Nahar, Employability and Placement Manager

"My role is to support you in developing your professional skills throughout your study programme. This support will be tailored because we appreciate and acknowledge that our students will come from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different levels of experience. I will be offering one-to-one advice and guidance on any matters related to employability. You will also have access to employers that I will be building connections with. Additionally, a key part of my role is to support the MASc students who will be undertaking the capstone Workplace Project."

In addition to the support from our Employability and Placement Manager, the wider-university careers service will be available to you too. The University's Student Opportunity: Careers team offer personalised support to help you develop your skills, plan or develop your career path and get experience. You can access a variety of support services from Student Opportunity at any point during your time at Warwick and after graduation. For example, if you're looking to pursue a career in academia or hone your research skills, you will have the opportunity to get involved in the Masters Skills Programme, the Research Student Skills Programme, and the Transferable Skills Programme.

Getting ready for your studies

If you have an offer to study the MASc in Global Sustainable Development, we encourage you to look into optional modules for Term 2. Please see our Modules page for a list of some of the optional modules available to you in the School for Cross-faculty Studies and across the University. Please note, you do not need to do anything about choosing optional modules before Welcome Week.

Recommended readings

There is no compulsory reading before you start your postgraduate studies with us. However, you might be interested in taking a look at the GSD Bookshelf and publications by staff in the School for Cross-faculty Studies. You may also be interested in Warwick's latest Sustainable Development Goals Annual Report:

Sustainable Development Goals Annual Report 19/20

"Our report highlights that there is already a lot of excellent research at Warwick which addresses specific individual SDGs. At the same time, we found it harder to identify research projects that explicitly targeted multiple, interconnected goals. Our report is thus an attempt to provide some inspiring examples of work that we feel broadly adopts a nexus thinking approach. Moreover, we invite the Warwick community to reflect on how best to develop and pursue research, teaching, and engagement in a way that contributes to achieving all 17 UN SDGs."

Access the Annual Report online here.

Frequently Asked Questions




Capstone projects


Hear from our students

Student life

Get in touch

If you would like to get in touch with us, please send us an email: PGGSD at warwick dot ac dot uk.

We are also happy to put you in touch with one of our current postgraduate students, or with other postgraduate offer holders. Please email us via the address above to request this.