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External modules (22-23 start or earlier)

A workshop with Liberal Arts students.

Choosing your external modules

Each year you'll be able to take optional modules from the Liberal Arts Department or from other departments across the University. These optional modules comprise your pathway. You may take a module from any department in the University which can offer you a place.

A good place to start when considering your optional modules is the University's Module Catalogue where you can find a full list of all modules.

Please note, not all modules will necessarily be running each year. The most up-to-date information will be on department webpages (please see links to these pages below).

You can find a full list of optional modules offered by the Liberal Arts Department here.

A reminder of your course structure

Year One

  • 75 CATS of core modules with the Liberal Arts Department; and
  • 45 CATS from the Liberal Arts Department or another department(s) within the University.

For academic advice on choosing your optional module(s), you will have a meeting with your personal tutor in Welcome Week and we will also run an advice session to answer any queries in Welcome Week.

For administrative advice please email:

Year Two

  • 60 CATS of core modules with the Liberal Arts Department; and
  • 60 CATS of modules from your chosen Disciplinary Interest or Specialist Interest pathway.

Final Year

  • One 30 CATS module with the Liberal Arts Department; and
  • 90 CATS of modules from your chosen Disciplinary Interest or Specialist Interest pathway.

Pathway prerequisites

You will be asked to declare your pathway towards the end of the first year (usually in the middle of Term 2). Please bear in mind that to follow some pathways, you will be required to study certain modules in your first year to be able to continue taking that pathway in your second year. For some pathways, there will also be requirements in your second and final years.

For more information on pathway prerequisites, please see:

External department module lists

    Registering for your optional modules

    1. You must gain your personal tutor's permission prior to registering for your optional modules.
    2. Pre-register for your optional modules with the external department. Each department has a different process for registering your interest in their modules.
    3. Once a department has confirmed you can take their module, you must register all your modules online via e-MR (eVision Module Registration). e-MR usually opens in late September/the start of term. You must be enrolled in order to register your modules. You will also need your IT Services account details in order to access e-MR.
    External department How to pre-register
    Classics Complete the online module selection form
    Economics Email the Undergraduate Office:

    Complete the online form

    English Complete the online form
    Film and Television Studies

    Email the Department's Administrator, Tracey McVey:

    Please also see their information for students outside the department on taking options in Film and Television Studies

    Global Sustainable Development

    Email the Undergraduate Office:

    History You must submit a module nomination form to the History Department. Please see the 'Process for Outside Students' section on the History Department's Module Information page.
    History of Art Complete the online module application form
    IATL Complete the online request form (NB: IATL modules are only available to students in Y2 and above)
    Language Centre

    Complete the online pre-enrolment form
    (NB: If you wish to take a language, you should begin in Y1. 100-level Language Modules are not permitted for students in Y2 and Final year; 200-level Language Modules are not permitted for Final-Year students).


    Email the Undergraduate Office:

    Life Sciences

    Contact Isabelle Carré ( in the School of Life Sciences to discuss which modules you are interested in and whether your choices would be suitable

    Theatre and Performance Studies Email and copy in
    Philosophy Email the Undergraduate Office:
    Psychology Email the Undergraduate Office:
    Politics and International Studies (PAIS)

    PAIS does not have pre-registration, so you will need to go onto the e:Vision Module Registration (eMR) when it opens and select the module

    School of Modern Languages and Cultures: French, Italian, German and Spanish

    Email the Undergraduate Office: You may also wish to consult the list of modules open to visiting students.

    Sociology Email the Undergraduate Office:
    Warwick Business School Access the module selection system via my.wbs. If you are not yet set up on my.wbs go to to register. If you have any questions, please email the

    Undergraduate Office:

    Module restrictions

    For all Warwick students, there are some restrictions and it may not always be possible to get every first-choice module. For example, some optional modules will require you to have studied another module first. In addition, some modules have limited capacity or are reserved for specific degree programmes. However, we'll always work with you to help you build a pathway that meets your interests and needs.


    Please consider your Liberal Arts timetable commitments when choosing your optional modules. In some cases, there may be a clash between your chosen modules and your Liberal Arts modules. Please speak to the Undergraduate Office about any timetabling concerns: