Modules in Classics and Ancient History
Below is a list of modules recently taught in the Department. Please note that only a selection of modules are taught in any given year. Generally optional modules are taught on a 2-year rotation but this varies according to staff availability and the introduction of new modules.
1st year modules / 2nd year core module / 3rd year core module / List A modules / List B modules
1st Year Modules:
Term 1
- Greek Culture and Society (term 1) (CX109-15)
- Roman Culture and Society (term 1) (CX110-15)
- Ancient Thought: Philosophy, Politics, Science (CX112-15) (term 1)
- Latin Language 1 (term 1) (CX115-15/CX215-15) OR Greek Language 1 (term 1) (CX120-15/CX220-15)
- Introduction to Greek and/or Roman History (CX102-30, CX116-15, CX117-15)(Greek History = term 1, Roman History = term 2)
Term 2
- Encounters with Material Culture: Objects and Archaeology (CX 111-15) (term 2)
- Encounters with Greek Texts (CX113-15) (term 2)
- Encounters with Latin Texts (CX114-15) (term 2)
- Latin Language 2 (CX101-15/CX201-15) OR Greek Language 2 (CX126-15/CX226-15
- Introduction to Greek and/or Roman History (CX102-30, CX116-15, CX117-15) (Greek History = term 1, Roman History = term 2)
Study in Europe Degrees:
- Core module from the Italian dept.: Either IT101 Modern Italian Language I (Beginners)Link opens in a new window or IT107 Modern Italian Language I (Advanced)Link opens in a new window or LL2B4 Italian Intermediate acceleratedLink opens in a new window. If students have some knowledge of Italian, they have to take the placement test on Wednesday morning of Week 1, autumn term, in order to be allocated to the most appropriate module.
2nd Year Core Module:
- Hellenistic World (CX251-30)
- Study in Europe Degrees: Core module from the Italian dept.: Either IT201Link opens in a new window (which relpaces former IT211) progressing from IT101 or IT108) or IT301Link opens in a new window (progressing from IT107)
3rd Year Core Module:
- Dissertation (CX303-30)
2nd/3rd Year Options [modules available in 2025/26 are yet to be confirmed - a minimum number of students will be required for a module to run]:
Ancient History (List A)
- City of Rome (CX248-30/CX348-30)
- Democracy and Imperialism (CX235-30/CX335-30)
- Food & Drink in the Ancient Mediterranean (CX252-30/CX352-30)
- Greek Religion (CX262-30/CX362-30)
- History of Medicine in the Ancient World CX257-30/CX357-30)
- Roman EconomyLink opens in a new window (CX260-30/CX360-30)
- The Roman Empire from Tiberius to Hadrian (also available as Latin text option) (CX244-30/CX344-30)
- Transformation of Roman Society under Augustus (also available as Latin text option) (CX255-30/CX355-30) [2024/25]
- The Roman Empire from Antoninus to Constantine (CX263-30/CX363-30)
- Sexuality & Gender in Antiquity (available as a Greek text option) (CX247-30/CX347-30)
Retelling Myths in Greek and Roman Art (CX281-15/CX381-15) (15 CAT, Terms 2/3)
Public Engagement in Classics(CX276-15, CX376-15) (15 CAT, Terms 2/3)
- The Roman Every Day (CX284-15, CX384-15)
- Athletics and Games in the Ancient Greek WorldLink opens in a new window (CX290-15, CX390-15) (15 CATS, term 1)
Archaeology, Art, Architecture (List A)
- Art & Architecture of Asia Minor (CX232-30/CX332-30) [2022/23]
15 CATS: term 1 (Art and Architecture of Greek Asia Minor, CX23A-15, CX33A-15)
15 CATS: term 2-3 (Art and Architecture of Roman Asia Minor, CX23B-15, CX33B-15)
- Coinage of Greece & Rome (CX246-30/CX346-30)
- Domestic Space in the Roman World (CX254-30/CX354-30)
- Principles and Methods of Classical Archaeology (CX233-30/CX333-30)
- Roman Near East (CX209-30/CX309-30)
Sanctuaries and Sacred Topographies of Ancient Greece (CX277-15/CX377-15) (15 CATS, Term 1)
The Archaeology of Athens and Attica (CX 278-15/CX378-15) (15 CATS, Term 2-3)
- Archaeological Fieldwork Module (CX386-15)
- The Politics of Archaic and Classical Greek Literature: New Mythologies of the Social (available as a Greek texts option, Terms 2/3) (CX266-15/CX366-15)
- Sexuality & Gender in Antiquity (available as a Greek text option) (CX247-30/CX347-30)
- Ancient Greek Theatre (available as Greek-text option) (CX267-30/CX367-30)
- The Vulnerable Body in Roman Literature and Thought (available as Latin text option) (CX264-30/CX364-30)
- Space and Place in Greek Literature (available as Greek text option) (CX 269-30/369-30)
Roman Laughter (available as a Latin text option) (CX 268-30/368-30)
- Rhetorics: from classical Rhetoric to modern communication (available as Latin text option) (CX271-30/CX371-30)
- Africa and the Making of Classical Literature (available as Latin text option) (CX273-30/CX373-30)
- Songs, Texts, Theories: Greek Lyric Poetry (available as Greek text option) (CX272-30/CX372-30)
- Epic & Epyllion (Available as a Latin text option) (CX230-30/CX330-30)
- Horace, Authority and Authoritarianism (available as a Latin text option, 15 CATS Term 1)(CX282-15, CX382-15)
- Metamorphosis in Latin Poetry (available as a Latin text option, 15 CATS Terms 2/3) (CX280-15, CX380-15)
Greek Myth: Narratives, Sources, Approaches (CX279-15, CX379-15)(15 CAT, available as a Greek Text Option, Term 1)
Retelling Myths in Greek and Roman Art (CX281-15/CX381-15) (15 CAT, Terms 2/3)
Public Engagement in Classics (CX276-15, CX376-15) (15 CAT, Terms 2/3)
- Fighting (for) Rome: Narratives of War in Roman HistoriographyLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (CX285-15, CX385-15)
- Writing in Greek Under Rome: Protagonists and Trends in Imperial Greek LiteratureLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window (CX283-15, CX383-15)
Image and Text in Late Antique Latin poetry (CX287-15, CX387-15) (available as a Latin Texts option, 15 CATS, term 1)
- Roman Sexual Poetics: Navigating Sex, Sexuality and Gender in Latin PoetryLink opens in a new window (CX289-30, CX389-30) (available as a Latin Texts option, 30 CATS, all year)
Greek & Latin Texts in the Original (List B)
- Greek Language 1(CX120-15/CX220-15) (15 CATS, term 1)
- Greek Language 2 (CX126-15/CX226-15) (15 CATS, term 2)
- Greek Literary Texts (CX106-30/CX206-30/CX306-30)
- Latin Language 1 (CX115-15/CX215-15) (15 CATS, term 1)
- Latin Language 2 (CX101-15/CX201-15) (15 CATS, term 2)
- Latin Literary Texts (CX136-30/CX236-30/CX336-30)
Study in Europe Degree 4th Year students returning from Italy: you may opt to take an Italian module, either IT301 (progressing from IT211) or IT401 (progressing from IT301)
Important notice: advice for second and third year students on taking language modules
Students are permitted to take language modules taught at the University's Language Centre (located on the ground floor of Humanities). However, students are not permitted to take Language Centre modules whose levels are lower than university-level study. These can instead be studied in your spare time in every year of study. For your degree, students can take a language at the Language Centre at Level 5 Advanced 1 in their second year; and Level 6 Advanced 2 in their third year [information on levels]. Students may opt for an Accelerated Beginners' 'Academic language module' at the Language Centre, provided that they have not registered to take more than 30 CATS at this level (or as 1-coded external module) over their Honours-level years of study (ie Year 2 or above). Students who want to study a Language Centre module as part of their degree need to speak to their personal tutor, in order to obtain approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Students may, however, also investigate academic modules in Italian, German or Spanish within the School for Modern Languages and Cultures.
Looking for powerpoints or handouts? All teaching materials for our modules have now migrated to Moodle!
Module Selection Form 2024/25Link opens in a new window
Link opens in a new window
Open from: Thursday 16th May, 12pm
Closes: Thursday 23rd May, 12pm
First year's Term 2 module change form
Closes: Friday 13th January 2023