Queering University Projects
Current projects
Exploring the LGBTQUIA+ Student & Staff Experience
The programme is currently engaging with sources of insight (including community knowledges) on the LGBTQUIA+ staff and student experience at Warwick, with the aim of growing and sharing an understanding of the issues impacting the LGBTQUIA+ members of our University community.
We are identifying gaps within existing insight, and working collectively to address them, such as through the LGBTQUIA+ Student Experience Project. In doing so, we are focused on establishing a strong community voice, addressing imbalances in representation.
Expanding Guidance, Resources & Support
In its first phase of the programme compiled a directory of guidance, resources and support available.
Through ongoing consultation the programme now seeks to identify gaps within current provision, and to co-create high-quality guidance, resources, and support mechanisms to address them. The programme welcomes any suggestions for additional/improved guidance, resources and support.
Facilitating Culture Change, and Queer & Inclusive Practice
The Queering University programme aims to support staff and students at Warwick to develop, implement, share and sustain queer pedagogies and perspectives. It encourages teaching & learning, pastoral, and other practices that are inclusive of trans and LGBTQUIA+ people, and improves understanding in the classroom and wider university settings.
In order to achieve these aims, we are engaging with opportunities to facilitate culture change at the University, and to support staff and students to engage with queer and inclusive practice. One such example is the programme's Pronouns Pledge.
Projects from the first phase of the programme
Determining our Collective Vision
It is vital that the Queering University programme reflects the needs, struggles, desires and experiences of our community. The initial vision for the programme was set collectively at an open meeting in December 2020, and this collective vision setting will continue through the upcoming programme activities.
The programme's contact form welcomes comments, feedback, and suggestions from all members of the University community, and the project leads can be contacted via queeringuniversity@warwick.ac.uk.
Review of Existing Guidance, Resources & Support
The Queering University programme develops, implements and shares queer pedagogies and perspectives, and teaching & learning and pastoral practices which are inclusive of LGBTQUIA+ people.
The programme recognises that members of the University community have engaged with this work prior to, and independent from, the Queering University programme. We are therefore working to identify and review existing guidance, resources and support available, and encourage submissions of those known to members of the University community.
Through this work we hope also to identify gaps in current provision, and welcome any suggestions for additional/improved guidance, resources and support.
Queering University Departmental Contacts
We are growing a network of departmental contacts to improve access to the programme across the University.
Departmental contacts act as an initial point of contact for the programme within their department, supporting others who wish to engage with the Queering University programme and ensuring that those in their department are aware of key programme updates and opportunities.
Any member of the University community can become a departmental contact. Those with an interest are encouraged to submit their details here.
Introductory Activities Programme
We are organising an initial programme of activities to engage members of the University community with the Queering University programme, its purpose and key themes, and create spaces to explore them together.
Events can be found on the programme's calendar, with suggestions for future events welcome. Other programme opportunities will be shared on an ongoing basis, and all members of the University community are welcome and encouraged to contribute.