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Guide to Being Trans at Warwick

Some changes are pending to this page. The University has repealed its Gender Reassignment policy and created a "Trans Code of Conduct".

This guide brings together information on the processes, policies, services, and groups you might want to access as a trans person at Warwick.

In this guide

Connecting with Community

There is an active trans community at Warwick, for students and staff alike. The easiest way to make contact is to get in touch with one or more of the representatives or groups below.

Updating your preferred name, legal name and title on your Warwick records

Many (though not all) trans people seek to change their name and title to align with their gender identity. This guide to the use of legal and chosen name data at Warwick includes full information on updating your chosen name, legal name, and/or title on your student or staff record. It also covers where you can expect legal and chosen name data to be used.

Updating your email address

Changing your preferred name will generate a new email address for you, but it will not set it to default. Currently you must request this change by contacting the IT Helpdesk.

Updating your gender and/or legal sex marker on your Warwick records

Many (though not all) trans people seek to change gender and sex markers to align with their gender identity.

For students:

Changes to the gender marker held by the university can be requested via the student records online system. In the right hand side ‘Edit my personal data’ panel click the option that reads ‘Request change to record held for gender’.

As well as changes to gender markers, there is also the option to change your name & title on this form too, as well as to leave the title field blank, and to request a new university card & photograph. You may choose a date from which you would like such changes to commence.

Possible gender markers within the university’s system include ‘male’, ‘female’, 'non-binary', ‘other’ and ‘prefer not to say’.

Possession of a gender recognition certificate is not required in order to change the gender marker held for any member of staff or student.

Changes to the legal sex marker held by the University can be requested Possible legal sex markers within the University's system include 'Male', 'Female' and 'Other'. You also have the right to refuse to disclose this data (or to withdraw data you previously shared).

For staff:

Changes to gender marker may be made by amending your personal details on SuccessFactors.

Possession of a gender recognition certificate is not required in order to change the gender marker held for any member of staff or student.

Updating your preferred pronouns on your Warwick records (students only)

Changes to your preferred pronouns, which is an optional field on your student record, can be requested via the student records online system. In the right hand side ‘Edit my personal data’ panel click the option that reads ‘Edit my preferred pronouns’.

This data, if given, will appear on your Tabula profile.

Use of gendered and gender-neutral facilities

The university’s Trans & Gender Reassignment Policy supports trans individuals’ right to use gendered facilities such as toilets and changing rooms in line with their gender identity. Trans individuals should not be asked to use accessible facilities or facilities corresponding to their birth-assigned gender against their wishes.

Many transitioning trans people & non-binary people do not feel comfortable/safe in gendered facilities, and/or would prefer to use gender-neutral facilities. There are all-gender/gender-neutral toilet and changing facilities on campus, but the university does not currently have all-gender toilets in all of its buildings, nor gender-neutral changing facilities in all its sports buildings. A map of current gender-neutral facilities can be found here. The new Sports Hub has private gender-neutral changing facilities co-located with gendered changing facilities on all floors.

All new builds will include all-gender toilets, and a program of renovation is currently seeking to ensure all buildings have some all-gender toilets provision.

Support for trans staff & students

The following sources of support exist within the University & Students' Union, and may be able to provide support to trans individuals depending on the issues involved. A brief summary of each service, group, or role is given below.

  • Trans Community Support Group, space for trans people and those questioning their gender identity to discuss trans & gender identity issues in a relaxed environment with others who are part of the Warwick trans & questioning community.
  • Warwick SU Trans Officer, the SU’s officer elected to represent trans students (
  • Warwick Pride, the SU’s society for LGBTQUA+ students, in particular the Trans Officer (
  • Warwick LGBTQUA+ Staff Network, a staff-led network for LGBTQUA+ staff.
  • LGBTQUA+ Staff Buddy Scheme, offering an LGBTQUA+ 'buddy' for colleagues new to Warwick or the network.
  • Warwick SU Advice Centre, the SU’s advice service, offering support on everything from housing issues to formal complaints.
  • Wellbeing Support Services (a Wellbeing Team, a Disability Team and a Counselling and Psychology Interventions Team) provide practical, emotional and psychological therapeutic support for students.
  • University Senior Tutors, responsible for the personal tutor system and all issues regarding mitigating circumstances affecting student performance.
  • Personal tutor (for students), contact details should be given upon commencement of studies.
  • Residential Life team, for those living in campus accommodation, it may be of particular note that residential tutors are generally available outside of normal working hours.
  • Campus Health Centre, where individuals can access a wide range of health services, including referrals to counselling and gender identity clinics.
  • Nightline, a student-run listening service open 9pm to 9am during term-time.
  • Chaplaincy, a team of Christian, Jewish and Muslim chaplains as well as faith advisers from other faiths are available.
  • Staff may also want to contact their line manager, link HR adviser or Occupational Health Adviser.


There are two main policies which offer protection to trans students and staff, the Dignity at Warwick policy and the Trans & Gender Reassignment policy.

Dignity at Warwick Policy

The Dignity at Warwick policy sets out the university’s commitments to ensure the dignity of all of its members, as well as outlining the procedures to be followed if harassment or bullying occurs. The policy states that it is the responsibility of every member of the university (staff and students alike) to behave in a way that respects the rights and dignity of others, to value differences in others, and to demonstrate a commitment to upholding the university’s policy on equality & diversity.

The policy lays out guidance for dealing with breaches of the policy, in Appendix A (for staff) and Appendix B (for students). In each case there are informal options, the option of mediation, or the option to place a formal complaint.

Gender Reassignment Policy

The university’s Trans & Gender Reassignment Policy includes a number of specific protections for trans individuals. It lays out the entitlement of trans individuals to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect, and to be free from harassment and discrimination.

The most salient points from the policy are given below:

  • The policy covers all trans people, including non-binary people.
  • All staff and students should refer to trans peple using their preferred name and pronouns.
  • An individual’s trans identity is to be treated as confidential, whether or not they have a GRC.
  • It gives trans individuals the right to ask to the university to expunge all instances of their former legal name and gender from their records.
  • It explicitly states that university women-only spaces should be accessible to trans women.
  • ‘Mx’ and no title options should be made available when asking for an individual’s title.
  • ‘Other’ and ‘Prefer not to say’ options should be made available when asking for an individual’s gender.
  • All official university correspondence should use non-gendered terminology e.g. ‘if the student wishes, they may…’ rather than ‘if the student wishes, he/she may…’
  • Trans individuals will be prioritised with respect to en-suite accommodation on campus, should they desire it.
  • Women-only and men-only accommodation blocks are explicitly accessible to trans women/men.
  • Trans staff are invited to contact their line manager, link HR adviser or Occupational Health Adviser, who will work with the member of staff to agree an action plan to cover any period of transition.
  • Trans students are similarly invited to make contact with a relevant member of staff, who will work with the member of staff to agree an action plan to cover any period of transition.
  • The transition action plan may cover the use of gendered facilities, changes to names and pronouns, and absences for any medical treatment, and should be guided at all times by the individual’s preferences.
  • No trans individual should be required to use disabled facilities, nor facilities assigned to their birth-assigned gender.
  • Normal sick pay and absence arrangements apply for medical absences related to an individual’s trans status, and flexibility should be offered in taking holiday or rearranging working hours and academic commitments. A sick note will be required, but it is not required to state any specifics of the procedure or appointment.
  • Job applicants & interviewees should not be asked for their trans status.
  • Replacement degree certificates may be requested in a new legal name where a graduate has changed their name post-graduation.

Reporting transphobia and hate crime/incidents

Report and Support advisors can help outline your reporting options (for both students and staff), as well as describing what these processes might look like and what an investigation would entail.

If you would like to report a hate crime/incident externally, you can report hate crime/incidents directly on the Coventry City Council’s website or with the support of a third party hate crime reporting centre such as the SU Advice Centre.

In the process of reporting a hate crime/incident, it is recommended that the complainant contacts one or more of the support services in the 'Support for trans staff & students' section who may be able to offer support and advice.

Filing a complaint


Complaints relating to discrimination, harassment and bullying on the grounds of trans identity are dealt with under the Dignity at Warwick policy. The policy lays out guidance for dealing with breaches of the policy, in Appendix A (for staff) and Appendix B (for students). In each case there are informal options, the option of mediation, or the option to place a formal complaint.

Report and Support advisors can help outline your formal reporting options (for both students and staff), as well as describing what these processes might look like and what an investigation would entail. Student Liaison Officers in particular, can help support students from the start to finish of any formal reporting route.

In the process of filing a complaint, it is recommended that the complainant contacts one or more of the support services in the 'Support for trans staff & students' section who may be able to offer support and advice.

Students' Union

Details of the SU's complaint process can be found online here.

The SU Advice Centre supports students who have experienced discrimination and harassment, and can help you initiate SU complaints procedures against individuals involved. They are also able to support students filing complaints via the university’s complaints procedure, as detailed above.


University policy makes it clear that an individual’s trans status should not be revealed to others without their consent. Where it is absolutely necessary for a member of staff to inform another member of staff, when and how this is done should be agreed with the trans individual. Alongside their trans status, a trans individual’s birth-assigned gender and name should be treated as strictly confidential.

Wherever possible, old records (such as for academic records and prizes) should be updated to reflect the correct name, title and gender. Trans individuals may request the redaction of instances of their birth-assigned gender and name from their university records. See the 'Redaction of previous information' section below.

Redaction of previous information

It may be distressing and potentially problematic for trans individuals’ university records to contain information pertaining to their birth-assigned name and gender. Trans individuals may request the redaction of instances of their birth-assigned gender and name from their university records. Contact HR to make arrangements for this.

Absence due to medical appointments

The university’s Trans & Gender Reassignment Policy lays out the procedure for trans individuals’ absence due to medical appointments, surgery etc. Normal medical appointment, sick pay & absence arrangements do apply to such absences. Flexibility is offered in taking holiday or in rearrangement of working hours and academic commitments.

Whilst a sick note is required to cover such absences, it is not required to state any procedure being performed.

Degree certificates and ceremonies, HEAR, and transcripts

The University has committed to providing replacement degree certificates for trans individuals who change their name post-graduation. In order to request such a replacement, email including your request for a replacement certificate due to a change of name, as well as any change desired to your HEAR/transcript. This request will be passed on to the Student Records team. A scanned copy of current ID showing the requested name should also be attached, along with a scanned copy of your original certificate (provided this has not been lost/stolen). Please note, this route is exclusively for use by trans individuals who have changed their name and wish to have their certificate replaced in the correct name. (If you would prefer to liaise directly with a named contact, please email Sharon MilesLink opens in a new window. However, please be aware that at times this may result in a longer turnaround time for your request.) Other requests for replacement certificates should be made via this form, and will incur a small charge.

To update your transcript/HEAR separately, contact, including a scanned copy of current ID showing the requested name. Old paper transcripts, if relevant, do not need to be returned. There is no charge for an update to HEAR (UG students) or 1 new paper transcript document (PG students). Additional paper transcripts are available, charged at the normal service fee.

If you have not changed your legal name, and would like your preferred name to be read out at your graduation ceremony in place of your legal name, please contact

This resource is part of the Queering University programme, which offers a wide variety of further resources, events, initiatives and support.