Jin Lu
Jin.LuChemical Biology GroupDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of WarwickCoventryCV4 7AL
a-Fetoprotein as a Physiological Zinc Carrier - Role in Fetal Development
Two of the many factors involved in the complicated etiology of fetal malformations are alphafetoprotein (AFP) and zinc. Strong support for the idea that AFP has a role in zinc homeostasis comes from the finding that its expression is regulated by MTF-1, a zinc-responsive transcription factor. The research emphasis is to explore the molecular basis of zinc binding and delivery by AFP, employing structure elucidation, in vitro zinc binding studies, and metalloproteomics, with a view to discover links between inadequacies in zinc transport, fetal malformations, and liver cancer.
Albumin as a zinc carrier – properties of its high-affinity zinc-binding site
Biochemical Society Transaction (2008) In press
Jin Lu, Alan Stewart, Peter J. Sadler, Teresa Pinheiro, Claudia A. Blindauer*
One-Step isolation of plasma membrane proteins using magnetic beads with immobilized concanavalin A
Protein Expression and Purification (2008) In Press
Jin Lu, etc.
Determination of Aminoheterocycle and Azabicycle in Gliclazide Bulk by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection
J. Pharm & Biomed Anal 39 (2005) 843-847
Jin Lv, Qingjiang Wang, Xiang Chen, Pingang He*, Yuzhi Fang*
Determination of Active Ingredients in Vc Yinqiao Tablets by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection
Chinese Journal of Chemistry 24 (2006) 1117-1121
Jin Lv, Qingjiang Wang, Xiang Chen, Haiyan Liu, Pingang He* and Yuzhi Fang*
Separation and Determination of Nitroaniline Isomers by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection
Talanta 69 (2006) 121-125
Xifeng Guo, Jin Lv, Weidong Zhang, Qingjiang Wang, Pingang He*, Yuzhi Fang*
Study on Sensitivity Development of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic Acid by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Amperometric Detection with p-methyl Benzoate as Stacking Agent
Electrophoresis 26 (2005) 3273-C3278
Qingjiang Wang, Xiang Chen, Jin Lv, Haiyan Liu, Pingang He* and Yuzhi Fang*
Determination of Water Soluble Small Molecules Antioxidant Power by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection
Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 33 (2005) 969-971
Qingjiang Wang, Xiang Chen, Din Fei, Jin Lv, Haiyan Liu, Pingang He* and Yuzhi Fang