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Current Group Members

Professor Dave Haddleton

Dave GPC


Dr. Cansu Aydogan


Dr. Despina Coursari



4th Year PhD Students

Vincent Maugein


Andrea Dsouza


Emma Salisbury


3rd Year PhD Students

Zhongyuan Wan


William Pointer


2nd Year PhD Students

Mia Hall


Ifan Jones


Rowan Radmall


Xiaofan Yang


Yanpu Yao


1st Year PhD Students

Yiping Chen


Joel Heming


Visiting PhD Student

Dominik Fuchs


MChem Students

Deelan Chan


Polymer Research and Technology Platfrom (RTP)Link opens in a new window

Dr. Daniel LesterLink opens in a new window

Dan is manager of the Polymer Research Technology Platform at Warwick, specialising in the characterisation of polymeric materials on behalf of internal and external researchers.

Dr. James Town

Dr. Arkadios Marathianos


Second Year RTP PhD Student

Owen Tooley