Make a Habitat
Most slime moulds in the wild live on woodland floors amongst the mosses and fallen tree branches where they feed on bacteria, fungi and rotting vegetation. It's not difficult to make yourself a natural looking habitat for your slime and let it go 'free range'.

You'll need a clear container - we had some sweet jars, some potting compost, twigs, leaves, moss and of course some slime mould.

Put a layer of damp potting compost in the bottom - this will help keep the humidity high.
Put your slime in the middle - about a tablespoonful of colonised oats is all you need.

We gathered some moss from plant pots and used this to cover up the colony so it stays dark and damp, a few dead leaves also help and give us something we can easily see the slime on.
Next something for the slime to climb around - a bit of wood. Don't go pulling branches of trees, a couple of fallen twigs is all you need. The lichen on this one will make a great food for our slime, I soaked in water for a few minutes before putting it in the bowl. A lid is a good idea - it'll keep both water and slime moulds inside the bowl.

All we have to do now is put the bowl somewhere shady and cool and wait. It might take a few days before your slime stops being shy and starts to explore but it will and it'll give you a much better idea how they behave in the wild.
Why not try different things, does your slime prefer rocks or twigs?
Are there some types of leaves it won't touch?