Dr Teri Hansford

Research Fellow
Email: teri.a.hansford@warwick.ac.uk
Phone: 024 765 23597
Office: B134
Research Groups
Allaby web page
Research Clusters
Current Research
My research with the Allaby lab group focuses on the use of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) to reconstruct past environments. Currently I am working on reconstructing the paleoenvironment of Bouldnor Cliff – a submerged Mesolithic forest that is located just off the coast of the Isle of Wight. I work within a dedicated ancient DNA facility within the School of Life Sciences, and use a range of next generation sequencing techniques (NextSeq, and NovaSeq). A large part of my research is also focused on understanding sedaDNA taphonomy – the processes that affect DNA deposition and retention in the environment – which is key to accurately reconstructing past environments.
Broader interests and activities
My broader research interests focus on using ancient DNA analysis to learn more about British history. I have worked on a variety of different sites throughout my scientific career, including The Mary Rose wreckage and sites within the Stonehenge landscape. My MRes project focused on ancient DNA analysis of both sailors and cattle from the Mary Rose wreckage with the aim of determining the ancestry of the men on board, and the origins of their food sources. My PhD project focused on sedaDNA analysis of a series of pits surrounding the Neolithic monument of Durrington Walls with the aim of reconstructing the paleoenvironment.
- PhD, University of Warwick School of Life Sciences, 2024
- MRes Biochemistry, University of Portsmouth, 2020
- BSc Hons Biochemistry, University of Portsmouth, 2019