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Bruno G. Frenguelli


Higher Education

1989 – 1993 Ph.D. Neuropharmacology, University of Birmingham, UK
1985 – 1989 B.Sc. Honours (1st Class), Physiology, University of Glasgow, UK

School Education

Trinity High School
St James' Primary School


  • 2007 – Present Professor of Neuroscience
    The School of Life Sciences, The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

  • 2002 – 2007 Senior Lecturer
    Neurosciences Institute, University of Dundee, UK

  • 1997 – 2000 Caledonian Research Foundation & Royal Society Edinburgh Research Fellow
    Dept Pharmacology & Neurosciences, University of Dundee, UK

  • 1996 - 2002 Lecturer
    Dept Pharmacology & Neurosciences, University of Dundee, UK

  • 1993 - 1996 Wellcome Trust Prize International Travelling Research Fellow
    Cold Spring Harbor Lab, NY, USA and Dept Anatomy, Bristol University, UK



Invited Speaker: Purines 2014, Bonn, Germany


Member, NC3Rs expert working group on epilepsy models
Invited Speaker: UK/Korean Neuroscience Symposium, Bristol
Invited Speaker: Preclinical Stroke Models, Leicester
Invited Speaker: Epilepsy Models, Sheffield
Meet Brain Boffins down the pub - public engagement event as part of Brain Awareness Week


Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Epilepsy Research UK
Invited Speaker: Neuroepigenetics, Baeza, Spain
Co-organiser, Cognitive Enhancers meeting, official satellite to SfN meeting
Invited Speaker: German Purine Group meeting, Aachen


Editor-in-Chief, Neuropharmacology
Member, Sub-panel A4: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, REF 2014
Secretary, British Neuroscience Association
External Examiner, BSc & MScI, Neuroscience, Bristol University
A Career in Academia, talk to A-level students at local secondary school


Chair, British Science Festival/BNA event, on emotions & the brain
Director and Member, Scientific Advisory Panel of Sarissa Biomedical Ltd
Director, British Neuroscience Association
Member, BBSRC Pool of Experts
Talks to Yr 10 and Yr 12 science students at local secondary school,
Talk to Yr 12 Students of Teach First Schools, UoW


Organised Shakespeare on the Brain event at Warwick University
Speaker, Shakespeare meets Science event, UoW
Speaker, Aim Higher Schools’ event: Science meets Shakespeare, UoW


Organised cognitive enhancers events with Professor Gary Lynch at UoW & Dana Centre, London
Kevin Moffat speaking on our collaboration on BBC Radio 4 Material World programme

2007 – present

BNA National Committee Member. External examiner of national and international PhD theses; Invited national and international talks; Symposium organizer, national and international meetings; UG/PG Teaching & external examining.