Jose Ferreira Marinho Junior. Fiocruz-PE, Brazil
Research Profile
I graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry in 2008 at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil, followed by an MSc in Public Health at Fiocruz-PE (CPqAM) in 2010. I have a keen interest in protozoology and parasitic infectious diseases. My doctoral project concerns quantifying the transmission epidemiology of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in NE Brazil, involving live-mark-recapture of naturally infected rodent populations, entomology and xenodiagnosis, laboratory diagnosis for Leishmania spp. The project is financed by the Brazilian government Science without Borders Scheme.
Selected Publications
LIMA, B. S. ; DANTAS-TORRES, F. ; DE CARVALHO, M. R. ; MARINHO-JUNIOR, J. F. ; DE ALMEIDA, E. L. ; BRITO, M. E. F. ; GOMES, F. ; BRANDAO-FILHO, S. P. . (2013). Small mammals as hosts of Leishmania spp. in a highly endemic area for zoonotic leishmaniasis in north-eastern Brazil. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 107: 592-597.
CARVALHO, M. R. ; LIMA, B. S. ; Marinho-Júnior, J. F. ; SILVA, F.J. ; VALENÇA, H.F. ; ALMEIDA, F.A. ; SILVA, A.L. ; Brandão-Filho, S.P. (2007). Phlebotomine sandfly species from an American visceral leishmaniasis area in the Northern Rainforest region of Pernambuco State, Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 23: 1227-1232.
ANDRADE, M. S. ; BRITO, M. E. F. ; SILVA, S. T. ; LIMA, B. S. ; ALMEIDA, E. L. ; Marinho-Júnior, J. F. ; ALBUQUERQUE, E. L. ; ISHIKAWA, E. ; CUPOLILLO, E. ; Brandão-Filho, S.P. (2005). Leishmaniose tegumentar americana causada por Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, em área de treinamento militar na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 38 (3): 229-233.