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Flow Cytometry

Our flow cytometry shared resource laboratory (FlowSRL) is a CL2 lab capable of conventional or image cytometry analysis, as well as cell sorting. We have experience analysing a full range of samples, from bacteria to yeast and mammalian to plant cells.

We provide technical expertise for flow cytometry experiments, data analysis and cell sort services and we are commited to train the next generation of scientist in flow cytometry.


Dr Sarah Bennett (SRL Manager)

Dr Steven Servin (Flow Cytometry Specialist)

School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Road, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL


Our technology facilities are open to internal and external users. For more information, such as access and charging, please click on the following links:

University of Warwick users - link to booking calendars

University of Warwick - access charges

External users

Fair attribution policy


Instruments and Services

BD Fortessa

BD Fortessa

  • Flow cytometer (Cat I and II)
  • 5 laser lines (355, 405, 488, 561 and 640nm)
  • 16 colour detectors
  • Analysis on single tubes or on 96 and 384-well plates


  • Flow cytometer (Cat I and II )
  • 4 laser lines (405, 488, 561 and 640nm)
  • 16 colour detectors
  • Analysis on single tubes
FACSAria Fusion

BD FACSAria Fusion

  • Cell sorter (Cat I and II)
  • 4 laser lines (405, 488, 561 and 640nm)
  • 16 colour detectors
  • 4-way, 2-way sorting
  • Single Cell indexed sorting into 96-well plates
  • Temperature control for collected cell
Cytek ImageStream Mk II


  • 5 Lasers (375nm, 405nm, 488nm (400mw power), 561nm, 642nm + 785 nm for Darkfield)
  • Multi-magnification imaging (60x/40x/20x)
  • 12 dection channels (incluiding Brightfield and Darkfield)
  • 96-well plate autosampler
  • Machine Learning Software for Data Analysis
Sony MA900 cell sorter


  • User Friendly Cell Sorter
  • 70, 100 and 130 micron nozzles
  • 4 Laser (488 nm, 638 nm, 405 nm, 561 nm).
  • 12 fluorescent parameters
  • Extra Filters for Fluorescent Protein Detection
  • Automatic calibraton of frequency and drop drive
  • Single cell sort
Man pipetting wearing labcoat
