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Microscopy Registration - MB26 in Life Sciences


By giving your information in this form you agree that:

You have been trained in the use of the confocal microscopes

You won't use equipment you have not been trained on

You will abide by the laboratory rules

Oxygen monitoring system in the Imaging Suite
Oxygen deprivation can kill quickly and without warning. The imaging suite houses several asphyxiant gases that are colourless, odourless, and tasteless. They give no physiological warning signs – people exposed will not be aware that they are falling unconscious. Two breaths in an oxygen depleted area can cause loss of consciousness and rapid death.

The imaging suite is fitted with an oxygen monitoring system which is regularly tested, calibrated, and maintained. The monitors are installed to test the atmosphere in the area at all times. The alarm will activate at 19.5% and produce a visible (orange flashing light) and audible (multi-tone siren) alarm signal. 

Ignoring the alarm or attempting to rescue someone already in the area can and has led to deaths.

If the alarm is activated, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Do not stop to turn equipment off, save data, or collect personal belongings. Do not attempt to rescue someone else. If you know someone else is still in the area, immediately phone 999 and ask for the fire brigade to bring breathing apparatus. If you know everyone got out, alert the facility managers or phone Community Safety on 22222. 

I will follow the lab rules as set out in the Local Rules document (link in side bar), including no food or drink to be present in the lab, and wearing a lab coat and other PPE as appropriate (required)
I have been trained in relevant equipment for my project. I will not touch anything I have not been trained to use (required)
I will follow the SLS/WMS Lone Working guidance (see links opposite) (required)
I understand the hazards present in the Imaging Suite include cryogens, lasers, hazardous chemicals, ionising radiation, pressurised gases, and live CL1 organisms (required)
I will dispose of my waste properly, in accordance with the Local Rules document linked on the right. (required)
I will leave the equipment in a fit state for the next user or shut it down after my session, as appropriate. I will report any faults with equipment to staff immediately, and I will fill in the log book if equipment has one. (required)
I understand that charges apply to my bookings, and that time is charged for the use of the equipment, rather than results. (required)
I will credit the facility and its staff appropriately in my publications (including posters), according to (required)
I will be responsible for any visitors I bring into the area (required)
I will interact with staff and students in a manner which is appropriate for a workplace environment (required)
Privacy notice

This data will be used to allow you access to our microscopy facilities

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