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Inaugurals 2010

Ala Szczepura

Ala Szczepura

Date: 20 April 2010

Location: Medical Teaching Centre

Time: 6pm until 7pm, followed by a drinks reception

RSVP: Register here

See: Staff profile page

From Rhetoric to Reality - Lessons Learned

In this lecture, Professor Szczepura will discuss some of her recent research and other activities relevant to the challenges facing healthcare services.

Debate about how services should address the needs of ‘vulnerable groups’ like the elderly or ethnic minority populations is highly topical. The new white paper, ‘Building a National Care Service’, was launched on 1 April 2010 and the new Equality Bill received Royal Assent on 8 April 2010. The first proposes building a comprehensive National Care Service to complement the National Health Service, and the latter strengthens earlier legislation requiring the NHS to explicitly consider the implications for racial equality of any new policy or delivery of services.

Drawing on examples from her own work, including research reported in the white paper, Professor Szczepura will reflect on the gap between government rhetoric and reality on the ground, and put forward some ideas on how this gap could be bridged.