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Inaugurals 2010

Jill Thistlethwaite

Jill Thistlethwaite

Date: 19 January 2010

Location: Medical Teaching Centre

Time: 6pm until 7pm, followed by a drinks reception

RSVP: Register here

See: Staff profile page

Inter the Future: Stories about patients and professionals

My professional career may be summed up in three themes: communication, collaboration and education.

In this presentation I will be weaving my story with those of the people whom I have learnt from and worked with over the years including my family, patients, colleagues and fellow professionals.

I have enjoyed pursuing an eclectic research agenda from shared decision making, to women’s health, and on to interprofessional education and collaborative practice, in the UK and Australia.

The main focus, however, is words with a stress on the importance of listening and trying to make sense of everyday stories.