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Inaugurals 2010

Martin Feelisch

Martin Feelisch

Date: 21 September 2010

Location: Medical Teaching Centre

Time: 6pm until 7pm, followed by a drinks reception

RSVP: Register here

See: Staff profile page

Chasing Nitric Oxide - An adventurous journey from drug discovery to altitude physiology

Martin was appointed to the Chair of Experimental Medicine and Integrative Biology, a joint MRC Strategic Appointment at Warwick Medical School linking to the Warwick Systems Biology Center, in July 2007.

He studied pharmacy at the Heinrich-Heine University in Dusseldorf and earned his PhD in pharmacology from the same institution in 1988. Before joining the University of Warwick, Martin was a Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry and an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology at the Boston University School of Medicine and a Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology at the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport, USA, following research positions in both academia (University College London, Universities of Cologne and Dusseldorf) and industry (Director of Pharmacology, Schwarz Pharma) in Europe.

Martin’s research interests are broad and include analytical chemistry, cardiovascular pharmacology, drug metabolism, disease mechanisms, and the chemical biology of nitric oxide (NO). The latter is a signalling and effector molecule that plays important regulatory roles in the biology of virtually every cell and organism on Earth. Despite its apparent simplicity NO was discovered to be of biological relevance only three decades ago, and it continues to surprise the scientific community by its versatility and specificity.

In his inaugural address, Martin will reflect on his passion for this molecule and share some of his experiences from carrying out research in the pharmaceutical industry and in various academic settings.