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Inaugurals 2010

Peter Winstanley

Peter Winstanley in front of MTC

Date: 22 June 2010

Location: Medical Teaching Centre

Time: 6pm until 7pm, followed by a drinks reception

RSVP: Register here

See: Staff profile page

The Quarter-century! – 25-years on malaria and the development of research capacity

Developing World Countries (DWC) are unique but all face serious health problems related to deprivation, and all have severely restricted health budgets. Hard choices have to be made by Health Planners, often based on flawed data, and dependent on sub-optimal tools. If we are to face these challenges we will need to respond on many fronts, and research has a pivotally important place.

DWCs also have major difficulties retaining health workers (and thus developing academic and research infrastructures) – there is a tendency for people to migrate to developed countries. The causes of migration are many, but lack of opportunity for career progression is a factor – it is difficult to practice Medicine well with poor tools, poor strategies and lack of critical mass.

Peter Winstanley’s research area has been on the clinical development of antimalarial drugs. He established and led the WHO-GSK-MMV team that developed the new antimalarial drugs Lapdap™ and Dacart™ based on his personal research.

However Winstanley’s first love has been research capacity development – both at home in Liverpool and overseas in Malawi.