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Recent Developments in the Patho-Physiological Molecular Clocks Lab

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International Symposium on "Chronomedicine : Relevance in COVID Times“

Robert was invite to speak about the "Role of circadian clocks in chronic diseases and pharmacotherapy" at a meeting organised by the Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, India under the aegis of the Indian Society of Chronomedicine & Association of Physiologists of India.

Video recording of the whole meeting available on Youtube.

Sun 19 Sep 2021, 10:37 | Tags: 2021, Chronotherapy, Video, Conference

Daniel at Warwick Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference 2021

Today, our URSS and BSN funded summer student Daniel Fox presented his project at this years GERMCon at Warwick, and they seem to have liked it.

  • Highly commended for "Most Innovative Research Project"
  • Highly commended for "Best Poster"
  • Winner of "Best Research Project"

Daniel Fox and Poster

Well done Daniel! Congratulations!

Sat 11 Sep 2021, 22:15 | Tags: Award, Student, Conference, URSS

Best poster pitch and best poster winners at Fall UK Clock Club 2021 in York

Ewan Stephenson (ARAP PhD student) and Ben Roberts (MRCDTP PhD student), two true sons of "The North", stepped it up a notch at 2021 in person (!) UK Clock Club in York and were voted fantastic Best Poster Pitch and Best Poster winners. Congratulations to both!

Ben and Ewan with Prizes

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 12:55 | Tags: Award, 2021, Student, Conference, MRCDTP, ARAP

We are recruiting! now closed

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on an inter-disciplinary project characterising mechanism of action and chronotherapeutic potential of novel organometallic complexes together with Prof Peter Sadler's lab. Please get in touch for details and see here for the application page.

Sun 15 Aug 2021, 19:08 | Tags: 2021, Job Opportunity

Good Luck Rachael!

MBio student Rachael has achieved a first in her degree and has been accepted a stipend to start on the MRC DTP in IBR in September. Well done Rachael and have fun in the next four years at Warwick!

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 11:31 | Tags: 2021, Circadian, Student, MBio

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