Advanced Ethics Training for Experienced Clinical Ethics Committee Members
This two-day course provides advanced training in ethics for experienced members of clinical ethics committees (professionals from any background or speciality and lay members) and practising clinicians who would like to enhance their knowledge, and practical application, of ethics in the clinical environment.
This course provides an opportunity to hone skills of ethical reasoning and understand how disagreements in practice may operate at the level of theory. By the end of the course, participants will be able to engage in more confident ethical discussion of complex cases, understand how the composition and processes adopted by clinical ethics committees affect their mission and outcomes, and have consolidated and expanded their knowledge of ethical issues of contemporary concern.
- Experienced members of clinical ethics committees: professionals from any background or speciality and lay members who have already received some basic training (such as our Introduction to Clinical Ethics)
- Practising clinicians who would like to enhance their knowledge, and practical application, of ethics in the clinical environment.
- Skills of philosophical/ethical argument
- Deontology
- Values-based decision-making
- Utilitarianism
- Justice and resource allocation
- Consolidation of understanding of one ‘core’ ethical issue, such as withdrawal of life-sustaining interventions, pandemic planning, restraint and exclusion, definition of death, use of innovative treatments.
- Introduction to an emerging issue
The content will be delivered online live using sychronous interactive lectures, small group exercises and workshops centred on a range of clinical scenarios.
Day one (date TBC)
9.00am - 9.30am: Registration
9.30am - 10.00am: Introductions
10.00am – 11.00am: How to have a good argument (Greg Moorlock)
11.15am – 12.00pm: Introduction to Deontology (Heather Draper)
12.00pm – 12.45pm: Values-based decision-making (Anne-Marie Slowther)
- 12.45pm: Break for lunch – participants will be encouraged to ‘mingle’ online during this time
1.45pm – 2.30pm: Utilitarianism (Greg Moorlock)
2.45pm – 4.30pm: Facilitated workshop - clinical ethics committee process/practice (Heather Draper/ Anne-Marie Slowther)
Day two (Date TBC)
- 9.00am – 10.15am: Justice and resource allocation (Greg Moorlock)
- 10.30am – 11.00am: Four principles approach: The true story (Greg Moorlock)
- 11.15am – 12.45pm: Core knowledge: Law and ethics at the end of life (Ying-Qi Liaw / Heather Draper)
- 12.45pm: Break for lunch – participants will be encouraged to ‘mingle’ online during this time
- 1.45pm – 2.30pm: What's new? Opportunity to explore an emerging issue. 'Blurred edges and tensions: Clinical ethics and public health ethics in the Covid-19 pandemic' (Heather Draper)
- 2.45pm – 4.30pm: Facilitated workshop (challenging cases - an opportunity to apply learning) (Heather Draper / Greg Moorlock)
- 4.30pm - 4.45pm: Evaluation and depart
Key Facts
Cheryl Grantham / Eva Mussio / Claire Runaghan
Tel: 02476 574263
Duration: Two days, dates TBC
Location: Online
Course director: Prof Heather Draper/ Prof Anne-Marie Slowther
Fees: £175
Please e-mail if you would like to enquire about the next course or to register your interest and join a waiting list.
Please note all of our short courses need a minimum of 15 registered participants in order to run