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Application process

1. Check our entry requirements

Take a look at our entry requirements to make sure you're eligible to apply for the course.

2. Apply through UCAS

You must apply through the Universities Central Admissions Service (UCAS) and submit your application between 1 September and 15 October (2026 entry). Applications by any other route, or submitted after the deadline, will not be accepted. We do not accept deferred entry or transfers from other programmes.

UCAS code: A101

UCAS institution code: W20

3. Provide evidence of your work experience

Once applications come through from UCAS to our Postgraduate Office (which is after the application closing date), all applicants will be sent an 'acknowledgement of application' email followed by a further email which will provide a link to a separate online survey, where you will be required to provide us with details of your work experience placements, including a named contact who can confirm what you did and for how long. You will then be required to upload verification of your work experience placements via an online portal. This must include written evidence of the number of hours, dates and your role. All work experience verification must be on the official letter headed paper of the organisation that you worked for. We therefore strongly recommend that you ask for letters at the time of your placements, or soon after. Find out more.

4. If shortlisted, receive an invitation to attend our selection centre

In our first round of selection we consider academic achievement and UCAT total score. Work experience will be quantified and assessed via your online submission.

In early December, applicants successful in being shortlisted will be invited to attend our Selection Centre. You will be invited to choose one session you would like to attend (allocated on a first come, first served basis). Please note - we cannot accommodate alternative dates from those published.

We will select approximately 500 candidates to attend our selection centre each year.

5. Attend our selection centre

Our selection centre process lasts around two hours and all candidates will take part in six Multiple Mini Interview stations (MMIs).

The detail of the stations will change each year, but the values and competencies we look for are:

  • Team working
  • Insight
  • Resilience
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Probity
  • Respect and dignity

You will be observed and scored on each station by trained assessors. They come from a range of backgrounds including medical professionals, academics, current students and lay people with an interest in medical education.

In preparation for your MMI you may wish to reflect on your work experiences and the core values that medical schools are looking for as set out in the NHS ConstitutionLink opens in a new window and explained in the MSC guidance core values and aptitutes needed to study medicineLink opens in a new window.

Please see this document for a guide to our expectations regarding communication at the MMI and this document for a brief guide to reflection

On completion of the MMI process, each candidate’s score profile is carefully reviewed to determine which candidates will be made an offer.

6. If successful, receive an offer

Offers will usually be made within two months of the MMI (i.e. late February).

All decisions will be communicated via UCAS Track. 

Your offer letter will confirm the details of your course, the conditions that you must meet in order to join us, and how to contact us if you have any questions.

7. Provide additional information

All offer holders are required to meet additional conditions before being registered on the course. You will be required to:

  • Provide evidence of communicable disease status and immunisations.
  • Apply for an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
  • Declare any and all, past or current, health, welfare and conduct issues that may affect your fitness to study medicine and practise as a doctor following successful completion of the course.

Find out more about the information you'll be required to provide.

8. Start your course

Successful applicants will start the course in September each year.

  • All applicants will be required to have cleared their conditions of offer prior to the course start date.
  • Applicants will be invited to an Offer Holders Day
  • Please visit Warwick Accommodation for on campus and off campus accommodation options
  • Enrolment will open eight weeks before the start of the programme

Please note that the MB ChB programme does not follow normal University of Warwick weeks - contact the department for your term dates.