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Case Based Learning


What is CBL?

CBL is a key teaching method used throughout the MB ChB course. It bridges the gap between fully didactic teaching and student-led group work. It works on the principle of directed discovery. Unlike Problem-based learning, case-based learning centres on a particular case of a patient. Students explore different areas of the patient's history and issues. These are structured with questions and the CBL case facilitator ensures that all the learning objectives for each session are met. In this way students focus on the aspects of the case that they need to learn and we can be sure they are covering the required topic areas. 

Students are allocated groups to study the CBL cases. They also learn key skills such as chairing the group, taking notes, summarising and delegating tasks fairly so that different aspects of the case are studied between everyone in the group. 

Students are set CBL problems in each year of study – you can start a conversation with your student by asking them about their latest case.