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MB ChB Digital Education Interns

Digital Education Interns

Team-based approach


The Warwick Medical School (WMS) Digital Education Internship programme commenced on May 15, 2023, spanning a 6-month duration. The programme brought together five students from Phase II and Phase III: Chloe Berg, Carmen Chung, Tom Paddock, Charlotte Pemberton, and Tom Shah, each bringing their unique skills, passions, and perspectives to this experience.

It is our view that the WMS Digital Education Intern programme has been a real and evidenced success story. Our outputs have made a tangible contribution towards facilitating an increased level of engagement between WMS staff and students, pursuing a common goal of improving the curriculum and resources in a way which achieves faculty aims while making a genuine improvement to the student experience for our diverse cohorts of graduate entry medicine students. The digital education interns team have been involved in numerous innovative projects and have offered detailed feedback, both positive and constructive, using their unique perspectives as students with a lived experience of studying the MB ChB curriculum.


image showing front of Warwick branded scrubs and stethoscope


Our Warwick-wide ethos and culture of co-creation has carefully been developed by excellent leadership and has become fundamental to what we do. The interns projects have brought together staff with a shared passion for student partnership initiatives acting as advocates, enablers, providers of support (including funding and making sure their work was paid), added value and ‘let go’ to empower our students; who when given opportunities and support, do the most wonderful and joyful things. We’re trying to push student engagement to its highest levels with our ongoing work, and find this especially important in promoting inclusive education.