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Further Information

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Further information


Incoming mail for all staff is distributed through named pigeonholes found in the Physics Common Room (P5.64). Pay slips will be available each month on the 25th or next working day and can be accessed electronically via Success Factors (the self-service employee management system).

Outgoing mail should be taken to Stores on the ground floor of the Physics Building where it needs it be stamped with 137 (Physics code) and placed in the outgoing tray. Collection time is mid-morning. Internal mail does not require a 137 stamp.


Department members are added to the Physics email distribution list and are issued with regular updates. If you do not seem to be on the email distribution list, please let us know.

Useful department email addresses: - all general departmental enquiries - specific departmental HR enquiries, such as contractual queries - research grant enquiries

Other useful email address can be found at the bottom of this page.

We also issue a periodic Departmental NewsletterLink opens in a new window and there is a termly Staff MeetingLink opens in a new window.

Dress Code
The dress code is smart/casual attire that is appropriate for the workplace.

Holidays/absences from Department

All absences should be notified to / 024 765 23965. This is so the office can provide a professional service when taking messages for members of staff.
Academic staff need approval from the Head of Department/Line Manager for any absences during term-time. Your request should detail how your teaching will be covered and who students can contact in your absence.

You can find out your holiday entitlement on Success Factors. You should also use Success Factors to record your absences. You can find the University statutory and customary leave dates here. Please note that if you are on a fixed term contract, it is your responsibility to take the annual leave you are entitled to during the time you are employed.

Sickness absences

Staff should contact as soon as possible on their first day of sickness and state the nature of their illness and, if possible, the expected return-to-work date. If absent for more than eight consecutive days, a medical certificate covering the 8th day onwards is required from the doctor. Please note that absences are monitored and anyone with a high number of absences or whose absences follow a particular pattern (i.e. always fall on a Monday or Friday) may be asked to attend a return to work interview.


Reasonable time off with pay will be allowed for hospital, doctor and dentist appointments or for emergency medical or dental treatment and such appointments will not be counted as sickness absence. Staff are expected to make every effort to ensure that routine appointments are made before or after the working day. Where this is not possible, it is expected that appointments will be arranged to minimise disruption to their work. You should discuss your need to attend medical appointments with your manager as early as possible.

Free Eye Examinations

You are entitled to a full eye examination at any Specsavers store. Further details of this benefit is available here.


The University is committed to providing an environment in which to work and study which supports the wellbeing of staff and students. There is an on-campus Health CentreLink opens in a new window and the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). This is a confidential service, designed to help you deal with professional and personal problems that could be affecting your home or work life, health and general wellbeing. Further information is available on the Wellbeing at WarwickLink opens in a new window page.

Bullying, harassment and dignity at work

We are committed to ensuring a working and learning environment in which all members of our Department (staff and students) are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and where bullying and harassment are not tolerated. We expect everyone to recognise their responsibilities and to:

  • behave in a way that respects the rights and dignity of others
  • treat others fairly
  • display courtesy and good manners in every interaction appreciating that individuals have different styles and expectations
  • value differences in others and the contribution they make
  • work and study within the University on a co-operative basis.

Gender equality- Athena SWAN and Project Juno

Physics has traditionally been a male-dominated subject. The Department of Physics at Warwick aims to address this imbalance by working with the Institute of Physics Project Juno and the Athena SWAN CharterLink opens in a new window

The Department of Physics has long been recognised for its efforts to promote gender equality and good working practices amongst both staff and students. In 2009, the University of Warwick, along with Imperial College London, supported the first physics departments to be recognised by the IOP as Juno Champions. In 2010, the Departments of Physics and Chemistry at Warwick were both awarded silver status by the Athena SWAN Charter. The Athena SWAN Charter, established by the Equality Challenge Unit, recognises and celebrates good employment practice for women in science, engineering and technology.

The department has built on these early achievements, and in 2016 the department was successful in renewing its Juno Champion status by the IOP, and in 2017 we were successful in renewing our Athena SWAN silver award.

'Pronouns Pledge' and 'Say My Name' Project

The University has developed the Pronouns Pledge and the Say My Name project, which everyone In Physics is encouraged to take part in. We would like all staff to include your pronouns and name clip to email signatures and research profiles.

The 'Pronouns Pledge' aims to make it as simple as possible to engage with inclusive best practice on pronouns, and to build a movement of people taking these steps together. The 'Say My Name' project creates a sense of visibility, connection, and belonging and aims to support staff and students to develop practical skills and systems where names are respected and celebrated.