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Core and Safety Training

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Core and Safety Training
All links to the core training are at the bottom of this page.

Health & Safety in the Department

All staff are required to acquaint themselves the department safety policy Link opens in a new windowand procedures and complete the mandatory University training which includes, Health & Safety Induction, Fire Safety Awareness, DSE assessment of your computer workstation and others.

A department Health and Safety induction is required for all new starters. Please contact the Health and Safety Officer (Stephanie Andrews-Brown) to book on to one of the monthly induction sessions.

Working at Warwick

Equality, diversity and inclusion concerns every member of our community and we expect everyone to contribute to our inclusive and productive environment where there is equality of opportunity, mutual respect and dignity. Please familiarise yourself with the University's Dignity at Warwick policy Link opens in a new windowand then complete the core training which includes Working Effectively with the Equality Act and Unconscious Bias.

Please save the certificates generated at the end of the training modules as new starters are required to confirm that they have read essential information and submit the datesLink opens in a new window they completed the mandatory online training within two weeks of joining the department.


All staff are required to read and abide by the financial regulations and proceduresLink opens in a new window of the University.

As part of the University's financial regulations, please complete a conflict of interest formLink opens in a new window (FP1) having read the Personal Conflict of Interest Policy Link opens in a new window

This requirement applies to all staff appointed at Grade 6 or above and staff involved in financial procedures.

All staff are required to complete the Anti-Bribery Essentials module.

OPeRA is the University's e-procurement system used to order equipment, resources, travel etc. Set up is through the Department Finance Office (Room P5.58) and the online OPeRA introductionLink opens in a new window is recommended.

Travel is booked online through Key TravelLink opens in a new window once your traveller profile has been set up by the Department Finance Office.

GDPR and Information security

The General Data Protection Regulation came into force in May 2018 and relates to the collection, holding and managing of personal data. The University's Information Security Smart module will help you understand how the regulation effects your work and your own data.

The training will also provide you with an overview of information security risks, relevant legislation and practical tips on how to protect the University's and your information.

Core training summary

To summarise, all UoW core training can be accessed hereLink opens in a new window and then select your staff category. If you are unsure what your staff category is, please contact Ayesha Rahman:

You can report your completion of each training module and upload your certificates hereLink opens in a new window.

Physics HR will contact you two weeks after you start to confirm you have completed the core training outlined in this induction programme.

If you are involved in research we recommend completing the online Research Integrity course and Research Codes of Practice.

Organisational Development run a variety of courses, events and workshops, sign up to their newsletter hereLink opens in a new window.