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Why are we seeing more northern lights this year?

Spectacular auroral displays have been seen in the sky in more places this year, with greater frequency. Professor Sandra Chapman, Head of Centre for Fusion Space and Astrophysics answers the question in The Conversation.

Read The Conversation article

Mon 07 Feb 2022, 08:48 | Tags: announcements, Research

Controlling antiferromagnetic domains and observing an electronic response to magnetic monopole density in a spin-ice iridate

New research shows that the magnetoresistance in a pyrochlore spin ice can be used as a measure of monopole density and demonstrates magnetic-field control of antiferromagnetic iridium domain walls.

Mon 31 Jan 2022, 14:11 | Tags: Research

Professor Sandra Chapman awarded the 2022 Chapman Medal

Congratulations to Professor Sandra Chapman, who leads the Centre for Fusion Space and Astrophysics on receiving the 2022 Chapman Medal by the Royal Astronomical Society. Professor Chapman received this award for 'paradigm shifting' research into the physics of the solar wind and magnetosphere, our near-earth plasma environment.

Find out more about Sandra's research and the award.

Fri 14 Jan 2022, 16:29 | Tags: Feature News, Press, announcements, Staff and Department, Awards

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